C H A P T E R 10

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Hermione was sitting in the very corner of the library, her face was burried in a thick book of History of Magic. She can't even focus on reading, her mind was drifting on Harry Potter. Her bestfriend who kissed her last day.

She go straight in the library right after she ran away from Harry, she cried for hours feeling guilty than ever. She had fallen asleep on that spot, Hermione didn't mind at all, her body seems to lost all the energy inside her to walk back on her dormitory.

"Why did he do that? He's an absolute git!" Hermione sighed as her cheeks went pink.

"Hermione?" Came a nervous voice.

"What?!" Hermione yelled, luckily Madam Pince was too far from her. "Oh Neville I'm so sorry.. I'm just.. Just tired." She said, her eyes was half opened.

"I understand.. Well I'm just here to tell you that Draco Malfoy was panicking outside, he keep bursting on every room, looking for you. He said he never seen you since the match." Neville said.

Hermiones mouth fell as she finally remembered all about her boyfriend. "Oh God.." Her eyes are widening in horror, how could she forget him?!

"You should go now Hermione." Neville said.

"Why didn't he check here? He knows where to find me." Hermione asked.

"He did, but he didn't saw you.. Probably because you're barely visible on this height of books.. And if you're not aware.. You are in the restricted section Hermione." Neville explained.

Another gasps from Hermione, she almost lost all track, she can't even remember how she get here.. Her feet seems to have their own minds, all she know was she need to get far away from Harry as much as possible.

"Oh no! I'll find him. Thanks Neville!" She beamed before running out of the library.

Hermione was sprinting through the corridor when someone called her name for the second time. "Hermione!" Sam ran toward her.

"Sam.. I'm looking for Draco.. D-did you know where he is?" She asked while chasing her breath.

"I'm about to ask you the same question. Did you know where is Harry? I never saw him since the match." Sam asked in a worried tone.

"He's.. What?" Hermione furrowed her brow, so all this time they are both missing? Hermione covered her mouth by her hand. What if Draco thought that they were together.

"He's missing and we thought he was with you." Sam said. Hermione felt her heart sank at the bottom of her stomach on this confirmation.

"No we're not! Why would we?!" She asked incredulously.

"Oh I dunno, the weird girl from Ravenclaw suggested that." She snapped.

"Luna? Ugh Luna!" Hermione slap her forehead. "I gotta go Sam, try to check in the Quidditch pitch or in Hagrids cabin." Hermione rushed toward the gryffindor tower.

She stopped at the bottom of the stairs, Draco Malfoy was standing in front of the Fat Lady and they are obviously in argument. "Come on! I'll just peek if she's inside!" Draco said.

"I told you Mister! Ms. Granger never gone here! I'll know instantly if she did, as well as Mr. Potter! I've always keen to let them enter everyday!" The fat Lady replied in an irritated voice.

"Draco!" Hermione called, Draco turned abruptly to find Hermione downstairs, he ran immediately toward her.

"Hermione!" He hugged her tightly as if they haven't seen each other for years. "Where have you been?" He pulled away, his eyes was roaming at her back probably expecting Harry to be there too.

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