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Hello Potterheads 👋🏼😍

I am planning to make another Harry x Hermione x Draco fan fiction, and I want to hear some opinions from you.

The new plot includes Harry being sorted in Slytherin and befriends with Draco. Hermione is still Gryffindor along with her best friends, Ron and Neville.

It's like a Marauder version of Slytherin with Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini.

This will be lot different from the story. No Voldemort. No war. Just like what I said, Marauder version. 😄😄

So, does it sounds good or nah? And also I want to creat a poll.

Include #Harmony if you ship Hermione with Harry, obviously.😜

Or #Dramione if you ship Hermione with Draco.

If you ship Hermione with the two of them, just put #HarDraMione. 😘😘

Hoping to hear it from you. 😄

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