MindlessDolls | Sleeping With The Enemy Part 1

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6. Sleeping with the enemy ( previously on JacobsLoves )

Twins Airra and Shay have always lIved the luxurious life. Being the daughters of Michael Ealy, they're known for being daddy's perfect little angels. Spoiled completely rotten and unable to do any wrong in their father's eyes. But what happens when daddy's little angels fall for Daddy's off screen rivals and they're suddenly caught in the biggest test of right from wrong, yet?

Sleeping with the enemy cast Prince gf: Troy'AsiaPrince crush: Airra Adrian gf: Ruth Adrian crush:  Shay Airra bf: Don Mike gf: MonaAnt wife: RebeccaEj gf: TellaDon ex gf: Gia Roc gf: Brook

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Sleeping with the enemy cast
Prince gf: Troy'Asia
Prince crush: Airra
Adrian gf: Ruth
Adrian crush: Shay
Airra bf: Don
Mike gf: Mona
Ant wife: Rebecca
Ej gf: Tella
Don ex gf: Gia
Roc gf: Brook

Sleeping with the Enemy
Crushes Intros

Hey I'm Shay. I'm 16 and the oldest twin daughter of The famous, the incredibly nice, and very sexy Michael Ealy. Due to our father wanting to keep his private life well private, he forbids us from telling people who our mother is. Also Because my dad wants the best for us, me and my twin sister, Airra attend boarding school in England. We've attended the same boarding school since we were 11 years old, only visiting our father and America during our holidays. I'm the studious twin, and I rarely ever do anything besides studying. I think boys are over rated and I've never had a boyfriend, unlike my twin sister who has had lots of boyfriends. Anyways, Spring break is coming up and like always we are going home to America to visit our dad. Only this time we're going to be bringing along our best friends, and Airra's obnoxious boyfriend, Don. Well that's all for now I have to get downstairs to the dining hall for breakfast. I hope everyone has a very productive day.

AirraHeyyyy, I'm Airra

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Heyyyy, I'm Airra. The youngest of the Ealy Twins. I'm 16 of course and dating the sexiest boy at my school, Don. Now let me start off by saying, I can't stand England. They accents blow the living fuck out of me. And even after being here for years and years, I still don't understand what the hell they be saying. Well, I understand it just sounds dumb as fuck to me. For instance when I want to go to the restroom, I say I need to visit the loo. THE LOO! I feel like a looney toon just saying that crap. Oh yeah and if me and Don are making out, I don't say we were making out, I say we were snogging. Bruh, SNOGGING. When I first told my dad about it do you know what he said? He said he don't know what the hell a snogging is but it sounds like it'll fuck you up. Now you know when your dad says something like that, it must be really bizarre. But moving on from that, I'm really excited about going home and seeing my dad. God knows I've been missing American English. I'm even more excited to introduce my father to my boyfriend Don. My father is kinda crazy though so it might not go that well.
Shay: Airra we have to get downstairs for breakfast
Alright alright. Okay I'm gonna go now. See ya

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