MindlessRoyalities | Accidental Love Retelling

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7. Accidental Love Retelling

Airra Yasmine Holloway and Shay Marie Parks are 2 17-year old best friends living in Los Angeles, California. The step daughters of the 2 most respected men in their community. Dr. Jacob Perez and Attorney at Law Rayan Lopez. Airra is driven insane by her step father, Jacob and is often at odds with him. Whereas Shay loves her stepfather and treats him as if he's her real father.

Rayan Lopez loves his step daughter, Shay as if she were his own flesh and blood. He's always taking days off of work just to spend time with her. Whereas Jacob Perez is driven insane by his step daughter, Airra. They are always bickering with one another and Jacob is about ready to explode. He confides in his best friend, Rayan that his explosion is approaching quickly. But will his explosion ignite a spark between him and Airra? Will that spark trickle over to Shay and Rayan? And most importantly will they all be able to ignore their growing attractions to one another ?

 But will his explosion ignite a spark between him and Airra? Will that spark trickle over to Shay and Rayan? And most importantly will they all be able to ignore their growing attractions to one another ?

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Happy Birthday Airra

~ July 3rd ~

" Happy Birthday Airwa" My little step sister Shatora said as she walked into my room. I sat up in my bed and looked around. It was finally here, July 3rd also known as my 16th birthday. Shatora jumped up on my bed and smiled.

"How do you feel?" She asked me with a big snag a toothed grin. " Well I feel like I did yesterday just a bit older." I said as I got out the bed and stretched.

The clock on my nightstand read 9:30 am, which meant I had about 4 hours left before my big pool party sweet sixteen. Shatora stood up on my bed and began to jump up and down, causing my pillow to fall on the floor. I giggled at her silliness " Shatora don't you have your own bed to mess up?"

"No I like yours better." She said as she continued to jump and knock another pillow onto the floor. " Oh yeah mommy said come downstairs she made your favorite breakfast and her and daddy have a surprise for you."

I picked up a pillow off the floor and threw it at her, instantly knocking her from the bed to the floor. " Heyyyyyy" she whined as I giggled and slipped out the door. It was rare times like this that made me forget she was an pain in the ass sometimes.

As soon as I got downstairs I was greeted with chocolate chip pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, hash brown, and bacon. My favorite breakfast of all time. " Good morning birthday girl." My mom said with a big smile on her face. " I hope you slept well enough last night. Cause you know today is gonna be party central. Oh my god I can't believe my baby girl is 16 years old today. You're just 2 years away from being a full adult. Where has the time gone? I still remember when you were a little girl and all you did was eat Oreos and watch the powerpuff girls."

" Mom I still eat Oreos and watch the powerpuff girls." I giggled as I took a seat at the kitchen table. My mom sat my food in front of me then proceeded to pour me a glass of orange juice. " thank you." I said to her as I started to cut and eat my delicious breakfast.

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