MindlessRoyalities | The Mindless Files Part 2

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The Mindless Files

Heat of the moment part 1 of 12
~ Perez Household, Prince's room ~
Prince* laying on his bed playing his PlayStation 4
Ant* walks in and sighs
Prince* pauses the game and looks at him what's wrong bro?
Ant: nigga I'm bored
Prince: the fuck you want me to do about it ? That sound like a personal problem to me
Ant: Ask dad if we can have a party
Prince* smacks his lips why I gotta ask him? You trying to get me cussed out
Ant: man please you know dad cool with anything we do as long as we ask first
Prince: then why don't you ask him ?
Ant: Uhhh you remember last time I had a party? You really think he gonna say yes if I ask him?
Prince: as long as you don't try to set nobody on fire this time I think you good * chuckles
Ant* smacks his lips man forget you I'll go ask Shay * turns around and walks back out of his room
Prince* chuckles and restarts the game
~ Shay's room ~
Ant* busts open the door
Shay&Airra* jump up quickly from the bed
Airra: Ant! Don't be busting up in here like that you scared us
Shay: I'm saying * puts her hand over her heart my heart doing 100 right now
Ant* chuckles my bad * jumps in Shay's bed
Shay* scrunches up her face um excuse me? The hell you think you're doing ?
Ant: laying down what's it look like ?
Airra: how you just gonna take our spots though
Ant: like I just did duh anyways Shay don't you love me
Shay: no
Ant* smacks his lips come on
Airra* raises her eyebrow and stares at him he wants something
Shay: mmhmm I know. He ain't slick
Ant* gasps I'm appalled. A big brother can't ask his little sister if she loves him without wanting something ?
Shay&Airra* look at each other then look at him No
Ant* holds his hand over his heart that hurts y'all
Airra* rolls her eyes whatever drama king
Shay: so what is it that you want Anthony ?
Ant* sits up iight check this out its boring as hell around here so why don't you go ask dad if we can have a party
Airra: ooh a party ? I'm in
Ant: see Shay Airra down with it. Prince down with it. I know once we tell Emoni she gonna be down with it. So what about you ?
Shay: I guess I'm down too
Ant: alright. Dad downstairs bout to leave out for work, catch him before he leave
Shay* nods and walks out of her room and down the stairs
~ Downstairs ~
Chris* rushing around the living room where the hell are my keys ? * looks under the couches
Shay* walks over and watches him
Chris* keeps looking for his keys
Shay* looks over and sees the keys in the window seal Daddy
Chris* looks up from the couch at her yes honey?
Shay* points at the window seal
Chris* looks over at it and smiles oh thank god * gets up and walks over to the window seal and picks up his keys
Shay: Daddy can I ask you something ?
Chris* picks up his brief case uh sure honey but can you ask me quickly? I'm kinda in a hurry * Walks towards the front door with his brief case in his hand
Shay* follows him can we have a party ? We bored
Chris* looks at her
Shay* pouts please daddy pretty please
Chris: why don't you kids read or something if you're bored ?
Shay* whines We do enough of that at school
Chris: yes but now it's summer so you're not reading anything
Shay: but we on break so why would we read when we on break ?
Chris* smacks his lips
Shay: Pleaseeeeeeeeeee
Chris* rolls his eyes and smiles alright Shay you guys can have your party but make sure you get rid of all flammable things. Keep Ant cool calm and collected. And make sure he doesn't have gasoline. I do not want a repeat of the last party y'all threw
Shay* smiles excitedly okay thank you daddy
Chris: mmhmm now I'm off to work make sure Ant does not set anything on fire Shay or you all will be severely punished * opens the front door and walks out
Shay* walks over to the door and holds it open
Chris* walks to his car and gets in
Shay* watches him
Chris* pulls out of the driveway and drives off
Shay* closes and shuts the door then runs upstairs
~ upstairs ~
Shay* stands in the middle of the hallway and yells He said yesssss!!!!
Ant* comes out of Shay's room He said yes?
Shay: yep
Prince* comes out of his room he said yes for real?
Shay: yep he just said we gotta keep Ant calm
Airra* walks out of Shay's room well that's not a surprise * looks over at Prince hey baby
Prince* smiles hey sexy you done in there with Shay
Airra* giggles aww what's wrong ? You miss me ?
Prince: you know I do
Shay* scrunches her face up you guys are like a romance novel
Prince: stop hating it's not cute
Ant: she just don't understand
Airra* puts her hands on her hips well maybe she would understand if she actually got a boyfriend and you guys stopped chasing away all the boys who like her
Shay: exactly
Ant&Prince* look at each other then shake their heads nahhhhhh
Airra* shakes her head
Shay* smacks her lips Ima die alone cause of y'all
Prince: no you won't I'll get you a pet or something
Shay* mouth drops
Airra: damn
Ant: make sure it's a girl though bro
Prince: true
Shay* shakes her head and walks past them come on Airra
Airra* walks over to Prince and kisses him
Prince* kisses back
Airra* adds tongue
Prince* adds tongue and slips his hands down her back and grabs her ass
Airra* giggles and pulls away freak
Prince: you know you love it
Airra* bites her lip and nods mmhmm * puts her mouth next to his ear and whispers to him We have to talk tonight
Prince* nods alright
Airra* kisses his neck and turns around and walks into Shay's room
Ant* looks at Prince soooo Twitter, Instagram, snapchat, and Facebook to spread the word about our party ?
Prince* smirks you know it
Ant* smirks and goes in his room
Prince* follows Ant into his room
~ Ant's room ~
Ant* Grabs his laptop and sits on the bed
Prince* sits at Ant's desktop computer
Ant: I'll do Facebook first
Prince: iight then Ima do Twitter
Ant* logs into his Facebook the hell
Prince* logs into his Twitter what ?
Ant: I got 821 friend requests and 48 messages
Prince: damn
Ant: I don't even like 48 people * shakes his head and clicks on the status bar

Anthony Mackinaw 
Party at my house. It's bout to be lit as fuck. Everyone who got my address is welcomed. If you don't got my address then that means you either ugly, don't wash your ass, or you be on some bullshit.

Ant: alright I just made my status
Prince: alright I'm bout to make my tweet.

Come turn up with me and my fam. Bout to have a lit bash in 2 hours. Get here

Prince: alright I'm done
Ant*nods I hope they eat before they get here cause I'm not with giving away no food
Prince: I feel you matter fact let me go hide all my snacks now * gets up and walks out of Ant's room

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