MindlessRoyalities | Accidental Love Part 2

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Accidental Love
Student intros

Hey I'm Shay. I'm the more quiet blend into the back type. I just turned 17 and I'm a senior at PVC high school with my best friend Airra. My mother name is Violet and I don't know my father which always put a hole in my heart cause I feel like there's a part of me missing. Anywho I have a step dad named Ray and he's cool I guess. I mean he could never truly replace my father but I will admit he comes super close. He's always buying me things and spoiling me and taking me places. I think he spends more time with me than my mother. He calls me his little princess or daddy's angel which I don't mind at all cause I love the nicknames. But I gotta go im gonna be late for school.

Sup I'm Roc I'm Airra's best friend
Shay: Excuse me? You mean you're Airra's best guy friend right ?
Shush Shay stop hating. Anyways like I was saying I'm Airra's best friend. Me and Airra are like bobby and Whitney
Shay: But they were married
Oh my god Shay make me punch you in the throat
Shay: Ouch why so violent
Cause you starting to irritate me like I was saying yall like bobby and Whitney like woody and buzz. She's down for me I'm down for her she got me and I got her. We met our freshman year and ever since then we just been inseparable. Hell if it wasn't for Airra I woulda failed my freshman year
Shay: Actually if it wasn't for me cause she use to copy my work for you
Shay I'm bout to take off my shoe and smack you with it for real. So yeah like I was saying I owe a lot to my bestie. I also got a girl named Ashley her and Airra don't always get along and sometimes I feel stuck in the middle cause that's my best friend and my girlfriend fighting with each other and I don't wanna jump in cause then one might think I'm picking sides
Shay: Well if you jumped in then technically you will have to pick sides
That's it! * gets up and takes off his shoe
Shay: Uh oh * runs
* chases her

Hi I'm Ashley, the prettiest girl in school and Roc girlfriend. I met Roc like the end of Sophomore year when I transferred here. He was the sweetest and offered to show me around the school. I could say it was love at first sight well love at first smack. See the way we met is I was swinging my purse around the empty hall since everyone else were either in their classes or at lunch. And I wasn't paying attention so I swung my purse again and it smacked Roc in the face as he was walking up. Yeah I know I'm so clumsy for that but luckily he wasn't mad and very understanding.
Roc: I'm gonna kill you Shay!
What the hell? * gets up and looks out the door
Shay* keeps running
Oh wow I'm gonna have to handle this bye guys

Yo I'm Ej I'm Shay's best friend and Airra's cousin. I'm a junior at PVC high school and I'm the more hmmm how can I say? Silly type I like to pull pranks on people and just make them mad. Either Shay or Airra or both is usually trying to kill me by the end of the day. But they can't deny that they love me. Anyways I got a girl named Anniese who just like me except she a girl. She helps me with all my schemes and I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. Speaking of girlfriend let me go find her we have a big prank in store for Airra today and we need to get started on it. Bye everyone

Heeeey I'm Anniese, Ej's girlfriend for the past 4 months. I'm silly crazy playful and loving which is probably why Ej fell for me so hard in the first place. I'm a freshman at PVC High school and before you guys say anything yes I'm aware Ej is a junior and that's 2 grades above me but truthfully I don't care. He still makes me feel loved and appreciated so I'm gonna be with him. Moving on from that tho I'm a prankster. I love pulling pranks on people and making them highly upset. My last prank was putting snapping turtles in the school's pool. Even though I got detention for a month for that. It was worth it cause it was hilarious. Speaking of Hilarious I gotta go find Ej we gotta work on a prank for his cousin Airra. Bye now

Wassup I'm Bryshere or what the ladies like to call me, Mr. drip drop cause I always know how to get them panties soaking. I'm dating the sexiest girl in the school named Airra and I'm basketball captain. Being a senior and basketball captain can be real stressful and people not understanding that. On top of having to worry bout what college I'm going to. I also gotta worry bout a basketball game every week. It gets frustrating it gets tiring sometimes I just wanna disappear and never come back. If it wasn't for my girl always having my back and keeping me sane I don't know what I would do. Actually I'd probably blow off my coach's head if I didn't have Airra always relaxing me and making me feel better. Man yall just don't know Coach Mike irritating as hell.
Mike: Watch your language Bryshere
Man whatever I gotta go get Airra anyways so I'm done. Bye yall

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