Act 8 Part 8

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"Ugh." Gracer groaned as she sat up. The daylight was shining through her window. Stretching and then hobbling out of her room she made it to the foot of the stairs "Good Mo-" Her eyes opened immediately. Was it a mistake!? She sniffed the air. "BREAKFAST!" She shouted running into the dining room skidding on her socks. She saw Tareli staring at her from the Kitchen, in her Night clothes. Which was just a pair of boxers and a black T-shirt. She was holding a spatula with her eyebrow raised. "I made pancakes." She said with a smirk. Gracer ran into the kitchen and darted for the cakes made from a pan. Tareli quickly cut her off lifting the plate high in the air. "Not so fast, go get everyone else up." Tareli smiled. Gracer sighed before heading up the stairs into the many rooms, finding a not so happy Hosheo and a grumpy know-it-all Karkat. She woke up Kanaya who was sleeping in. . .a. . .Closet? Gracer hummed making her way back to the kitchen to find her Morial making eggs and bacon on the same grill. "It adds flavor." Tareli explained. Gracer shrugged before setting up the table with plates and napkins and such. Everyone looked freshened up when they walked down the stairs. Tareli being underdressed noticed this. "Umm, it was just breakfast." Tareli said nodding to her outfit. They looked confused. "I'll go change then, Gracer don't burn anything." Tareli said as she handed her the spatula and made her way upstairs. Gracer flipped the bacon worked on the eggs until they were done. Tareli returned with jeans on and a jacket that was halfway zipped up showing the shirt Gracer got her, shades placed on her face to hide her eyes. Tareli made her way to the kitchen grabbing two plates and Gracer carrying one they set each in front of the trolls around the table. Taking a seat everyone ate peacefully. "So what should we do today?" Gracer asked as she bit into her pancake. "Park, these life clocks aren't slowing down so we should look for a way back at the park." Tareli stated glaring at Hosheo. They all agreed before finishing their breakfast. "But we have time." Hosheo explained, "We can stay for a few more days!" He said with a fake weary smile."Not much of it, though." Gracer mumbled, mouth full of pancake. "Yes, the Portal disappeared right after we fell, it could be anywhere right now and closing as we speak." Tareli finished. "I really wanna go home. Am I gonna die, Tareli?" Gracer asked. "Of course Not!" Tareli jumped from the table. "We're gonna get home, Trust me. We'll be okay. I won't let anything hurt you." Tareli said hugging Gracer. Gracer nodded and they all decided to go to the park after all. Everyone searched the park up and down. Tareli looking through the fields, Gracer looking around the ponds, and pebbles. Graysil checked the playground, Kanaya asked around, Karkat was checking the bushes and Hosheo was searching the benches, or sitting on them. "Ugh! It's nowhere to be found! We're gonna be stuck here and we're gonna die here and-and....I don't wanna die..." Gracer said, sitting down, tears streaming down her face."If we do find the portal, could we take Kanaya and KarKat with us?" Hosheo asked. "No...I Will Not Accompany You In Sburb. I Apologize, But The Game Has Put Us Through A Lot." Kanaya stated. "The game is no place for anyone, especially for someone who earned their freedom." Tareli said her arms crossed. "We will find the portal and everything will be okay, maybe we can try to keep in touch, or even you guys could pull us out like how you did with Hanako." Tareli questioned. "Hanako? That troll that the others pulled from the game. She said there were others but the process was taking longer than expected." Kanaya said rubbing the sides of her arms. Hosheo started tearing up. "Hanako... She... She almost killed me..." Graysil ran over to Hosheo to comfort them. "I even watched... I mean I was only a grub but still, she almost killed Hosheo..." Graysil explained rubbing Hosheo's back. All eyes were on those two, before Tareli spoke up. Walking up she put both hands on each shoulder. "Hey, don't let her get to you, Yes, Hanako did those things. But don't let her run your life because of it." Tareli took Hosheo into a hug. "Everything's gonna be okay." She said just above a whisper. She could hear Hosheo sniffling into her shoulder. KarKat stared at Hosheo. Tareli let go of Hosheo and pushed him towards Karkat. "Now it's your boyfriend's turn to comfort you." Tareli said nudging Hosheo with her elbow, a smirk plastered on her face. Hosheo blushed madly as he came face to face with Karkat. "Uhh." Hosheo murmured. "Are you okay?" Karkat asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Hosheo smiled weakly. Kanaya walked over to Tareli. "I know the relationship won't last very long, but might aswell be happy while were here." Tareli said looking to Kanaya. "I will figure out a way to get you guys back here after you leave." Kanaya smiled. "Thanks." Tareli smiled back.

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