The Story of a Girl

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It was dark. All the lights in the house where off. Isabella sat up in bed and looked at the clock. It read "4:38 a.m." She woke due to another one of her traumatizing nightmares of something she had experienced 3 years ago when she was only 13 years old. She sits in bed and remebers that day like it just happened....

"Isabella! Isabella!' her mom yelled from the kitchen. "Isabella Grace! Don't make me come up there! Wake up! Breakfast is ready and you need to get ready for school!"

"Ugh! Im awake mom. Chill out!. Can't I just stay home today? pleaseeee???"

"No, You may not stay home. You need to go to school and get an education. Now get over here and eat."

"I'm fine. I'm not really hungry. Thanks anyway mom."

Isabella went upstairs to wake up her brother Xzavior and get ready for school. Her brother is 16, three years older than her. When Isabella was 8 years old their dad died of cancer. That brought the two of them closer together

Xzavior and his father where very close and his death really took a tole on Xzavior. His grades started dropping, and he began getting very depressed. His mom made him start talking to a therpist, which he did not want to do. Talking only made it worse for him. At the age of 12, exactly a year after his fathers death, Xzavior started cutting. It wasn't what he wanted for himself, but it helped. The longer he was without his father the harder things seemed to get. After 6 months of cutting he finally told his sister.  

"H-hey...Isabella..I need to talk to you about something..".

"Okay. What is it?' she asked in a concerned voice.

"Well every since dad...went away.. things have just gotten worse for me.. and for the past 6 months've been..." Xzavior lifts up his sleeves and revels the cuts and scars trailing up and down both of his arms. Isabella dosn't do anything. They just stand there in silence, not moving for a few seconds and then she takes his arms and kisses them and then hugs him and wispers in his ear. "I love you Xzavior.. I know I'm only 9 but I know its hard. We have been through a lot. I can't lose you too". 


I know this isn't the best.. It's my first story. Tell me what you think! And if you hve any cool ideas I'd be glad to hear them :3

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