Chapter 2: Statement of Truth

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Patricia's P.O.V

Seriously we are hiking. Boring. But if Silas is here, I can do it. Just to kill him and let me think. I'm planning something secret. This Shane guy, I feel something about what he'll do. I feel that he is hiding something. I can sense something bad in his plans. He is just working for himself.

How did I know? Oh, you shouldn't forget that I'm a witch. While walking in the forest, it's quite dark now. Shane said something about the traps and for us to be alert. Good job really.

I didn't participate what he said because I can sense someone around us. I closed my eyes
and saw a man with a weapon pointing at... Jeremy. What?! I opened my eyes and see that they are walking now forward but I heard a whoosh.

I turned around and found nothing. So, I followed them. I feel something wrong with this. There is someone who is competing us.

3rd Person's P.O.V

Patricia followed her group. They stop for a rest. They are like camping children with tents and bonfire. Damon went in the small like storage room where Shane was. Patricia followed sensing Damon's anger at Shane.

Damon accuses Shane that he is leading them into a trap while Patricia is enjoying watching Damon glare at Shane. And Elena popped up the room and stopped Damon on fight with Shane. Damon went out and Elena took out the ropes that are on Shane's arms.

"Why didn't you stop them?" Elena asked Patricia angrily. Patricia just smirked.

"It's not my responsibility being a referee." She said with a grin. Elena's brows knitted.

"Even if it's not, you should have stop them. Damon can kill Shane." Elena explained. Patricia rolled her eyes.

"And that is really not my responsibility. You should have put on a tighter rope on your boyfriend or should I say on the ass. So, he won't go on killing spree." Patricia said with a smile playing on her lips.

"Who are you? What did you do to my sister?" Elena said with a frown.

"Well, if you really wanna know who am I. I'll say it. Your sister is dead. But me, I'm Patricia Gilbert. I'm alive and I have no sister like you. Who gets what's mine, who steals what's mine and who betrayed her own sister. And with that, you should treat her dead..." Patricia said with hatred on her sister. She moved closer to Elena.

"And mark my words, I'm not your sister. Cause I don't have a sister who is a slut." Patricia continued. Elena's anger built and she was about to pin her sister at the wall, she was thrown back at the door.

Elena stood up quickly to see Patricia going out of the other exit. Before Patricia left, she turned around.

"Oh, and you know what? You are meant to be a referee. You know, the brothers fighting for you and you need to always stop it. Goodluck, slut." Patricia said with a smirk and left Elena with a jaw dropped.

Damon and Elena was talking outside and far from the others. Patricia sat far from them but she can see and hear them. After minutes, Elena and Damon kissed. Patricia smirked.

"Slut." She whispered. And with that Elena and Damon turned around but found no one. Patricia disappeared at that place faster. She walked through the woods and saw Stefan and Rebekah. She walked towards them.

"Hmm. Really cozy here." She said seeing Rebekah's arm on Stefan. She smirked when Stefan put away Rebekah's arm on his.

"Patricia. Why don't you sit?" Rebekah politely said and moved a little closer to Stefan. Patricia smiled and sat beside them. Silence covered them.

"How are you taking all of these?" Stefan asked Patricia out of the blue. Patricia is just staring at the moon. Rebekah and Stefan looked at each other.

"I'm back because of some reasons. And I shouldn't be putting myself on a complicated situations. So, I don't care now, Stef. They can do what they want. The Patricia that cared and you all loved is gone. She is dead. And now, this me," Patricia said pointing at herself. "This is the new me. The one who doesn't care and you will all hate. And I'm glad that I don't have emotions, because the truth is, it sucks and you know that. You turn it on and feel full of emotions, guilt, love, hate, care, sadness, happiness all of those. And in the end you will only realize what you've done. But this time, I won't regret what I will do." She added and finishes her statement. She stood up and smiled at the last time at them. She walked away from the two.

Stefan and Rebekah were speechless on the honesty of Patricia. They thought that there is a piece of humanity in her. The love for others. She just kept it for their own safety. To protect her family and friends. She sacrificed everything for them.


Yay! Chapter 2 on the loose guys! Thanks for reading! Please Vote or comment! I will really appreciate it. Thank you alot.

-PJS xoxo

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