Chapter 23: Escape

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3rd Person's P.O.V.

It's almost night time. No one was home in the Salvatore's boarding house. Damon left with Stefan, Caroline and Tyler went back to theirs, that leaves Elena alone in the cellar. Elena groaned in pain when she tried to move her legs and arms. She roamed her eyes to the ropes tied tightly around her and found a small part of the rope that is not tied on her. Her fingers tried to reach it from her knees while groaning in agony. Finally, her fingers found the small things and pulled it with much force. While she was busy, a figure walked down to the cellar and opened the lock slowly. Back to Elena, she kept cursing to herself.

"Damn it." She cursed while still pulling the string.

Some of the strings tied on her waist fell on her lap but the tight ropes on her shoulders kept her still. She kept pulling the string until all of the ropes fell on her feet. She tried moving her feet and hands that felt really numb from the tight ropes all over her for the past days. She finally stood up from the metal chair and held her hands that have marks of ropes. She looked up and saw the door opened, she smirked feeling the freedom around her. She flashed outside of her cell and went to the stocks of blood. She quickly ripped the tip of a blood bag and drank. Drinking on her 3rd blood bag when a loud thud was heard upstairs. She quickly put down the blood bag, thinking that the Salvatores are home, she slowly walked upstairs and looked around. She sighed in relief when she didn't feel any presence in the house. She was about to flashed to the door to escape when the lights turned off that made her stop her tracks.

She turned around and fortunately for her, as a vampire, she can see through the dark. In a minute, she heard footsteps closer to her. She saw a figure but not the face, she was about to attack when she was frozen to her place.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Trying to escape? Too bad I caught you." The voice rang through Elena's ears like a devil is talking in front of her. Her eyes widened as she realized who is it.

"W-ha- H-how a-a-are you-u h-her-e?" Elena said stuttering like a scaredy cat. The figure laughed dryly at her.

"Does it matter? Oh, I guess you really don't want me here." The figure said while walking around her. "I bet you enjoyed the days you were being me. How was it? Did Damon do good? Did he fill your desire?" The figure said bitterly and hard. When Elena didn't speak, the figure took her chin in her hands roughly. "Speak."

"Y-yes! You want to know how good he is in bed?! You want to know how he kiss me? You want to know how he filled my desire?! He is great!" Elena shouted at the figure. The figure pressed harder on Elena's face and stared in her eyes in the dark.

"Tell me about it, sister." The figure said as her words are sharp and made Elena have goosebumps but she didn't let it out. Elena kept quiet. "I just came here to get something and then you can go around outside like you've never been there." The figure said while getting something in her pocket. Elena swore that she saw something sharp and long. "Just a little sting then we're done, oh, wait, we're not gonna be done." After the figure said those words, a stinging pain went through Elena's neck as she scream. The figure took out the sharp thing and smiled at Elena before opening the bonfire with the flip of her hand. It moved closer to Elena and whispered closely to her ear.

"Does it hurt? Ssshh. Just don't try to escape again or better, don't try to be caught by me again." And before Elena fell unconscious, she saw the face of the figure because of the light from the bonfire. and managed to say it's name.


Patricia's P.O.V.

How long was I gone?

I think weeks? Anyway, I was practicing the spell over and over again, summoning powers from the witches and preparing for the time of coming. I'm living in the house of the person who helped me, that I never thought wouldn't in a million years, it's Silas. Silas said too that I should perform the spell on a full moon and the time of the coming, which is tomorrow. If you'll ask what the heck is The Time of the Coming, I don't know either so don't bother asking me. I was reviewing the spell when I heard the door open and footsteps came closer to the room I was in.

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