Chapter 21: Truth Is Out

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Damon's P.O.V.

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open. After seemed like forever, I heard shuffling from the inside of the house. The door opened and revealed the freaking witch. I smiled at her, not actually a real smile. Her eyes slowly widened like she saw a ghost. She was about to close the door when I used my hand to stop it. I flashed inside her house and locked the door.

"You forgot. You already invited me in before." I said with a smirk.

"D-damon? W-what are you doing h-here?" She said while looking around. I walked closer to her then looked into her eyes. I saw that she was about to use her power on me when I spoke.

"What do you know, Bonnie? Tell me, please." I said with pleading eyes. Her eyes soften slightly at my tone then looked away.

"What are you talking about, Damon? I don't have anything to tell." She said straightly at me. I shook my head at her.

"You know something. Where is Patricia?" I asked her with my voice hardening. When I said that, her head turned to me quickly as if she's been waiting for me to say that.

"P-patricia? She-she's at the boarding hou--" I cut her off.

"No! You're lying. That is not Patricia! Why are you lying to us, Bonnie? You're Patricia's best friend for God knows how many years!" I said while glaring at her.

"I'm Elena's best friend too, Damon!" She shouted back.

"So, that's Elena?" I asked, maybe I said it to myself. "The one that I hugged for many times? The one I kissed or who kissed me every second? The one who I always slept beside every night? And the freaking bitch, I thought who I always loved?! Shit!" I said then slapped my hand on my forehead. I cursed as many as I can in my head but that can't help it. I looked at Bonnie. "Why didn't you speak up?! Why didn't you tell me?!" I shouted at her.

"She's my best friend!" She said and I cut her off again. I felt like every word she says is wrong.

"I know right! The two Gilbert sisters are your best friends! That didn't answer my question! Even if you're Elena's best friend and she ask you things that you know are wrong, you should know what is right! That's your script as a best friend here! What did you do?! You let your other best friend in danger while the other goes in a disguise so she'll have me back?!" I continued to scold her. Her tears fell down on her cheeks but I didn't care.

"I'm so sorry, Damon." She whispered while she sobbed. I breathed in and out to calm myself.

"Now, do you want to make your mistake right?" I asked her. She quickly nodded. "What are you gonna do about it? Where is Patricia?" I said while turning to her again.

"Sh-she... She was burned in the Green House.." She said and I was about to react when she used her power to shut me up. I tried to shout but nothing came out. She stared at me and I kept quiet. "But Elena and I know that she's a powerful witch and can do something about it so, Elena told me to make this spell that is two-sided." She said and stopped. I raised my eyebrow to make it obvious that I'm waiting. She looked at me hesitantly.
"Quell Espelier. It's a spell that has two effects. One, it can kill someone if the person you used it on is weak, if not, the person can survive but the problem is the next... Two, it can... erase memories from her life and erase the memories from the people who were there too, in her... Life." She said, slowly at the end. My lips part and my eyes widened as I heard that.

"No." I heard myself whisper. I didn't notice my voice is back.

"Damon..." I heard her call out to me. I didn't respond. I don't know how to. I felt shocked, hurt and stupid. I turned to her hopefully.

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