Chapter 4: Letting Go

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3rd Person's P.O.V

Elena is still in denial or the fact that she can't accept that her brother is dead. While, Patricia, shows no emotion at all. She was silent on the trip back home until now. They are back at the Gilbert house. Damon stayed at the island to find Bonnie, who is missing. Elena kept on waiting for Jeremy to wake up, but nothing happened. Patricia just watched Elena talk to their brother. She is thinking very deep.

On the other side, Bonnie agrees to help Shane by killing twelve more people to get the proper magic needed to break the veil between this realm and where all supernatural beings go when they die. If this veil is broken successfully, every supernatural being that has died will come back to life. Also, with the veil broken, Silas will no longer be able to die.

Patricia's P.O.V

It been hours, and Elena didn't stop waiting for Jeremy. He's totally gone. I came back to life to protect my family, my brother and my sister but they are dead. How am I supposed to protect people when they are already taken away from me? I thought I can be better when I get back here. I thought I can protect them from him. From Silas. But that's impossible now.

I sat on the table on the dinning area. I heard Stefan and Caroline talking at the kitchen. Caroline welcomed me with her warm hugs when I came back but her cheerfulness became sadness when she saw Jeremy's dead body. I can hear Stefan and Caroline talk about Elena's actions, about her being in denial. That's true, she is. She can't accept it. Me too and maybe my emotions didn't really turned down. I always have space for my family in my heart.

Stefan and Care kept on whispering about Elena when I heard Elena's boots on the stairs. She walked towards us but I stayed still on lying on the table. It isn't bad relaxing on a dinning table, why don't you try it?

""I'm not in denial. I know that he was supernatural, but did you see? His tattoo is gone. The tattoo had the spell that opened Silas' chamber. Maybe it being gone means that he's fulfilled his supernatural destiny. Maybe he's back to normal. It's possible, right?" Elena said and turned her back to us. Of course, she heard them. I rolled my eyes and jumped up the table and looked at Stefan and Caroline who looked at each other before looking back at me. I sighed.

"Well, that's..." Caroline started to speak.

"Awkward." I finished. I smirked at them and went upstairs. Meredith the doctor, went here earlier. She said that Jeremy's body will be decaying if he stay like that. And you can smell him around the house. I can feel my eyes water as I walk at Jeremy's room where he is right now. I kneeled on the floor where I can touch Jer. He looks peaceful, no worries, no life.

"You were just little when I take you to shower. You're like worm that moves and moves every time. I.... I.. I'll miss you, Jeremy. And I'm sorry, that..." I said between my sobs and my cries got louder. "I didn't become to be the best sister for you. I love you, Jer, my brother. I will never forget you." I said and kissed his forehead and then his hand. I stood up and wiped my tears away and put no emotions again.

I went downstairs and got outside. It's dark now and only the post lamps are the light here. I saw Damon came in the house but I didn't care. I heard noises and shoutings inside our house so, I ran towards it. I found Elena breaking things and throwing gases everywhere.

"What the hell?" I said like asking them what is going on. Elena looked at my way but kept on doing it. Elena is crying and laughing and smiling. What the heck? I stayed silent and watched her cry on about our family.

" There's nothing here for me anymore, Stefan. Every inch of this house is filled with memories of the people that I love that have died- my mom, my dad, Jeremy, and Jenna and Alaric, John, even John. I mean, they're all dead. Everyone is dead."
"And.. And... Patricia... She.. She's dead.. She died on the day that I did. She loves us so much.. And I.. I betrayed her... I became selfish and unfair! And she came back but she hates me! I'm alone! And.. And it hurts me! Please! Just make it stop! Make it stop please!" Elena shouted while she is on the floor. Stefan looked at Damon, Damon looked like he is confused on what to do but he came to Elena and hugged her from the back.

"Please make it stop! Make it stop!" She kept on shouting that. Damon keeps on shushing her not to cry but none. But the words that made the world stopped when Damon said the unexpected things to Elena.

"Just turn it off, and everything will go away. That's what you have to do. It's what I want you to do. Just turn it off."

After he said that, Elena's face was emotionless. The heck he is doing?! I looked at Stefan who is looking down. How did Damon do that- oh, wait yes, the Sire thing. That's why. Elena stands up and gets the gas, for our cooking, in the bottle and walked around the living room.

"We need a cover up story, right? Okay. I'm gonna lit this house." Elena said while throwing gases everywhere. I watched her as she destroy our picture frames and things that make me remember memories of this house. Damon, Stefan and I watched her new self no humanity lit our old house. I don't want to see this. I walked out of the house and waited for them outside.

I saw them coming out. Elena walked straightly. Followed by Damon and Stefan but they walked slowly to make me walk with them. I looked at them and we looked at each other. I felt sadness from their eyes. We walked at the dark street. Now, my sister is really gone. My brother. My dad. My mom. Jenna. Alaric. My family. Even me. How can we overcome this without my strength? Strength is my family and without strength can I fight?

I will. Now that Elena have no humanity. She is like me but I'm a better thinker than her. Let's see what's coming up next. Bye, Jeremy.


What will happen after Elena being emotionless?
Will it have a war between the sisters?
No Humanity Inside the Gilbert Sisters?
Equals to End of the World.

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