Epilogue: Forever and Always

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Patricia laid her head on her lover's chest. No heartbeats. No breathings. His cold hands in her warm ones. The soft and pinkish lips of his that made hers warm are now cold. The pair of clear blue orbs that made her drawn to him are now closed and never gonna be opened. The arms that give her comfort and warmth are now lifeless. The heart that became lively for her is now dead but still in his last breath, she's the only one in his heart.

Those thoughts made her heart break into pieces and bits. Those thoughts made her world fall down. Those thoughts made her light become dark and somber. Those thoughts made her eyes fill up with tears every second. Those thoughts made her hands grip to his more and tighter. Those thoughts made her sobs louder that you can feel the pain in her voice when you hear her.

The most powerful witch is now crying over a bloodsucking creature that killed many humans over the past hundred years. But that didn't stop their love story, right? They took risks for their love, fought together, cared for each other, changed for each other and left but didn't leave without their hearts together.

3rd Person's P.O.V.

When Patricia saw the stake that shot Damon, she quickly and madly destroyed the stake with her hands. Tears pour down her cheeks like waterfalls and her eyes are flaming with anger but at the same time, sadness and regrets can be seen through them. Her heart ached when she saw Damon's body, numb and lifeless. She can't help but to cry and feel like she's in hell. God knows how much she loves Damon as Damon loves her.

As the morning came, Stefan, Caroline and Tyler went back to the woods to check on them but to their surprise, they saw Patricia lying down the ground with her face stained with tears. Caroline quickly came to her.

"Pat! Oh my, what happened? Are you hurt? Where's Damon? Did he leave? What the hell happened to you?" She panicked while hugging Patricia with a concerned face. Patricia's eyes welled up again with tears and she sobbed in Caroline's neck. Stefan and Tyler were shocked, Patricia + crying meant something bad really happened. Caroline hushed and caressed Patricia's back.

"Tell us what happened, Patricia." Stefan said softly while walking closer to them with Tyler trailing behind him. Patricia took enough courage to speak.

"Damon." She croaked while trying to stop her tears from falling. When she said his name, she felt like rolling while crying on the ground. "H-he... He got shot by a stake..." She said then tears poured down again. Their eyes widened when they heard what was Patricia trying to say.

"No." Stefan whispered. "Don't.. Don't tell me...." He mumbled while shaking his head. Patricia stood up and hugged Stefan tightly.

"Stef... He got shot in the heart... He's dead." She whispered at Stefan but still audible for Caroline and Tyler to hear. Caroline's eyes fill up too when she heard that again and saw Patricia's and Stefan's faces. Tyler hugged Caroline comfortingly. When Stefan blinked, tears didn't stop pouring down his face. Even him and his brother doesn't bond well, they still care for each other but now, he didn't had the chance to say goodbye or show his brother that he cares for him.

A heartbreaking scene that made Elena broke too without the others noticing, she was crying and in pain too. She loves Damon. She regretted all the things that she had done just to satisfy herself. She didn't think about how will everyone feel and just thought of herself's happiness and needs. She became so selfish that she didn't care of her sister and friends. She watched as Damon's ashes flew to the air and became invisible.


In the end, the spell worked for Elena. She didn't die, of course Patricia made her live and forgave her. Elena is back to being a vampire and everyone can sense her true identity again. But their world wasn't in peace because of Damon's death.

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