Chapter 6: Love Square

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Patricia's P.O.V.

I ran to the place that I like the most. It still have fresh air, beautiful sight, and refreshing presence. The water looks clear, the sound of the waves crashing on the crystal rocks and the bluish white sky that fitted on the sight. I sat on a log that is positioned in front of the sight, I can see the falls from up here. It calms me a bit. Memories flowing back at me.

I can't believe that Elena could be this evil. Being a bitch and all, I know this is part of not having humanity in her but I don't understand her. I want to hurt her for everything she had done. I want to shred her to pieces until she becomes ash. I thought of killing her straightly minutes ago but I will just add myself to the list of problems. I was really ready to break her skull into pieces but that... Stupid hell of a vampire jumped in. I don't know what I saw in his eyes, but I know what I felt, I was hurt. And that's not good. My humanity is turning back on. That freaking bastard did this. If he only let me finish her--

"Oh. Having a moment alone?" a voice suddenly said behind me. I jumped in front the person and ready to hit.

"Woah! Chill, love. It's just me." A familiar face welcomed me.

"K-Klaus?!" I said in surprise.

"Missed me, love?" Klaus replied with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and slightly smiled.

"Long time no see. Why are you here?" I said and sat back on the log.

"Hmm. My feet brought me here. And I always go here when I'm bored." He said while sitting beside
me. I continued watching the falls.

"Why don't you just drink and have naked girls all over you? That's what pervert vampires do." I said with my eyebrows up playfully. He frowned at me and snapped his finger on my forehead.

"Are you saying that I'm a pervert? And I only want you to be all over me." He said back at me with a smirk. I stuck my tongue at him and sighed at the view. Silence occurred.

"So, how's living with the brothers and your sister--"

"I don't have a sister, okay?" I said with a blank face.

"Okay. So, how is it? She, being a brat again?" He said looking at me. I sighed again but now deeply. "What's with the sighing? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm not okay. My humanity is supposed to be off but it turns out that... That bastard's blue eyes are making it on. I was about to kill that bitch when he suddenly jumped in and stopped me! He cares for Elena that much, huh?! Then I'll let them! They are meant for each other! That ass and the slut! Fuck them both." I said angrily and made the rocks fly and I throw them all at the water. The water exploded but I made it back to normal again. The weather became hotter and the clouds became darker. Mind blowing, right?

"Ssshhh. I know. Just remember, there's a person who's always willing to do everything for you." Klaus said and put my head on his shoulder while his hand on my shoulder. My tears aren't falling but my heart is like breaking.

Stefan's P.O.V.

I ran after Patricia outside but she's out of sight. I traced her scent but it's blocked. Smart Pat. I ran to the Forest, Grill, Road but she's not there. Where the hell is she? I walked not far from the forest until I hear voices.

"I'm not okay. My humanity is supposed to be off but it turns out that... That bastard's blue eyes are making it on. I was about to kill that bitch when he suddenly jumped in and stopped me! He cares for Elena that much, huh?! Then I'll let them! They are meant for each other! That ass and the slut! Fuck them both." Someone said angrily. I know that voice very well. I felt the weather hotter and the clouds darker. I was about to run to her but I didn't expect what I saw.

"Ssshhh. I know. Just remember, there's a person who's always willing to do everything for you." I saw Klaus said and put his hand on Patricia's shoulder and Patricia's head on his shoulder.

Is he making a move on her? Damn him.

What surprised me is.....

Damon watching from behind the tree with his hands formed into fists.

Damon's P.O.V.

When I shouted at Patricia while staring in her eyes, I think I saw pain and sadness in her eyes. I felt guilty for shouting at her and hurting her. When I left Elena in my room, I ran after Stefan because I know he will find Patricia somewhere. I went outside to see that he is gone. Ah, he left me. I'll just have my own way. I ran to the falls to check if she's there and I'm not wrong, she's sitting on a log watching the falls like we used to do.

I want to sit beside her and hug her forever. I know, you think of me as a two-timer ass but I still love her as I promised. But with Elena on the picture and add Stefan competing with me, it will turn into a bomb. I don't want us to have our own paths, we need to stick together to fight Silas. But I promise, after all of these problems, We're gonna be together again, Patricia.

I was about to step forward to her when I saw Klaus flashed in front of me. He looked at me in the eyes.

"Don't interrupt and don't speak. Stay behind the tree." He compelled me and I uncontrollably walked behind the tree.

"Fuck you, Klaus." I murmured at him. He just turned around and walked behind Patricia. Damn that Original! Damnit! Arghh.

"Oh. Having a moment alone?" Klaus voice echoed at the place. Patricia jumped in front Klaus and ready to hit. She should have hit him straightly.

"Woah! Chill, love. It's just me." Klaus said to her.

"K-Klaus?!" Patricia said in surprise.

"Missed me, love?" Klaus replied with a smirk. She rolled her eyes and slightly smiled. You shouldn't have smiled!

"Long time no see. Why are you here?" She said and sat back on the log.

"Hmm. My feet brought me here. And I always go here when I'm bored." He said while sitting beside her.

"Why don't you just drink and have naked girls all over you? That's what pervert vampires do." Patricia said with my eyebrows up playfully. He frowned at her and snapped his finger on her forehead. Oh. So, they're really close? Pathetic.

"Are you saying that I'm a pervert? And I only want you to be all over me." He said back, I can see him smirk. She stuck her tongue at him and sighed at the view. Silence occurred.

"So, how's living with the brothers and your sister--"

"I don't have a sister, okay?" Patricia said with a blank face.

"Okay. So, how is it? She, being a brat again?" He said looking at her again. She sighed again but now deeply. "What's with the sighing? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. I can sense her sadness with her breathing.

"I'm not okay. My humanity is supposed to be off but it turns out that... That bastard's blue eyes are making it on. I was about to kill that bitch when he suddenly jumped in and stopped me! He cares for Elena that much, huh?! Then I'll let them! They are meant for each other! That ass and the slut! Fuck them both." She said angrily and made the rocks fly and she threw them all at the water. The water exploded but she made it back to normal again. The weather became hotter and the clouds became darker. I didn't know she felt like that.

"Ssshhh. I know. Just remember, there's a person who's always willing to do everything for you." Klaus said and put her head on his shoulder while his hand on her shoulder.

Is he making a move on her? Stupid! My hands formed into fists.

I saw in the corner of my eye, my brother Stefan looking at me. He saw Klaus too and Patricia. Great just great.


Hey Guys!
I'm very sorry for the late update. Hope this book is still in your libraries. I have time now to make more updates! Yay! I'm graduating on Saturday! Thank you for reading this. Love you all!


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