Chapter 5

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Braden POV

I take the beast down and finally get a good grip on my blade. I flip the blade around and slash the creature's side.
Blood wells at the wound I gave him.

I grit my teeth together as the beast whips itself around and digs its claws in my shoulder. I bring my fist around and deliver a heavy punch in its jaw. In the two seconds that the beast stumbles, I shove my good shoulder into his chest, knocking the breath out of him. Then I drive hard. The blade slices his chest open and the beast's eyes roll back into its head. Its tongue lolling out of its mouth, it slumps to the floor.

I pull the bloodied blade out of its chest and shove it back into its sheath.

I suck in a breath and rush to Livy's side. There is blood pooling around her body.

I bite my lip to hold back a cry. I look over and see the kid is as scared as I am.

"Hey," I struggle to say, "What's your name?"


Yes. This is the kid. The kid. I will never understand Livy's taste in guys, but this is one she really likes. Loves she says. Don't know how that would work though. When we go back to our dimension we change back to orginal age. And our original looks. (You know, the same, but just older.)

"Well", I breathe, "we need to get her out of here or she WILL die." I swallow hard and look at her again. Her battered body. How bravely she fought to protect these students. The mass majority of the school has evacuated, though, no telling when the police will show up. We've got to get back to headquarters immediately.

"Who are you people?" Peter asks quietly. "What's going on? What was that thing?"

"I could explain it to you, but there is no time and we have GOT to get Livy out of here. You too. You're just going to have to trust me." I look at the deep cut in his arm that the beast gave him.
He shakes his head as though to clear his thoughts, then looks up at me and nods.

I look around the room to see if there is anything here to slow her bleeding. I don't see anything. So I take off the flannel I am wearing, which leaves me in a T-shirt, and I grab my blade and gesture for Peter to hold the other end of the flannel, and I run my blade along the middle of the flannel, cutting it into two big strips.

I take one of the strips and give Peter the other.
"Wrap her leg". I say, as strong as I can.

I take the other strip and clumsily, because my hands are shaking, wrap it around her waist, where the wood is lodged in. My hands are full of blood and Livy is moaning. That's a good sign. At least we know she's alive.

I look at Peter, and seeing he's done too, I slide my arms under the undamaged part of her legs and beneath her head, gently hoisting her up into my arms. Peter stands too, looking at me.

"Follow me." I murmur, looking at Livy's limp body. We run.

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