1-Fuck You

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"Yeah well fuck you Trip, not getting my stuff on time!" Virus cursed at his not-twin.

He'd filed out the wrong form in his work, making everything go downhill from here. There was just simply no time to deal with such things here in the workspace! Trip smirked at the other's side comment as the both went their separate ways, one in one office, one in another. It wasn't very long before Virus was knocking at his door window with an irritated look as he shuffled through papers. Trip sighed upon opening the door, remembering his coworker's remark earlier. "Okay, first off you need to-" Virus was cut short as he was tugged from the doorway to the wall as the door was shut.

"Hey, what's the meaning of this?!" His brows furrowed as the cheeky Trip chuckled, leaning into his neck to bite softly at. "I think I'm up for that offer you proposed me earlier...hm?" Trip smirked as he left an angry red mark on the other's neck.

Offer? What off- right. A flashback of Virus flipping the bird to his not-twin crossed his mind as Trip started to rumple up his clothes as he touched him through them. Something sparked Virus as he pushed him off to go stride casually to the desk. Plopping himself on it, he played with his tie in a teasing manner. "Gee, I don't know, I can't seem to recall what you mean..."

Trip had been watching him intently as he moved, it almost a striptease for him, as he'd never seen such behavior. Not towards him, at least.

And that's how, ladies and gentlemen, Virus ended up gasping and moaning as his lips were nibbled at, his body being ground on by the weight of the man above him on a desk. "Remember when Koujaku told us to go fuck ourselves?" Trip's breath was husky in Virus's ear as he undid his own pants.

"Well I think that now's a good time as any." The husked chuckle Virus received accompanied by the lick of the shell of his ear made a shiver of pleasure go down his spine.

As Virus's pants were being undone, he pressed his bulge in the palm of his not-twin, groaning slightly. "N-nh...hurry up already, asshole..."

Trip stifled something between a whimper and laugh at the sight of his other, it turned him on and was funny at the teasing he'd given him at the same time. "Shouldn't I prepare you or something?" He teased once again, making Virus frown. "I don't fucking care, just go already!" "Oh my little Vivi...such a sadist..." Was the last thing Virus heard before he was thrust into, his body jolting against the desk.

Vivi was a childhood name Trip had for the other that he always hated. It pissed him off, it sounded like a girl's name. But he only groaned in pain as Trip rammed himself harder, getting closer to the other's prostate. "T-Trip...ah...~" Virus's hands were groping at his shoulders and now rumpled suit as he followed his  movements.

"Well damn....you're tight...~" panted out Trip as he thrust himself so suddenly in his coworker's prostate with a loud moan.

"M-mh! T-there! Nn!" This made the uke gasp sharply, feeling the precum leak up his ass already. It would be a lie to say that he wasn't dripping himself, but as the narrator, I'll keep my mouth shut.

To get him off more, Trip bit at his collarbone and neck, running a hand down his length. "F-fuck....you a-ah...T-Trip....mmgh!~" Virus arched in both in his hand and on the cock that rammed up his prostate harder. 

"Isn't that what I'm doing?" He responded, trying to sound casual amid his heavy breathing. A loud gasp followed before the both came rather powerfully at nearly the same time. "ngh...fuck, you got cum all over my suit, you prick..." Virus sighed, trying to clean himself up.

"Me? The hell'd I do?" Trip chuckled, raising a brow. 

"When I said 'fuck you' I never thought you'd take it literally, dumbass..." 

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