6- You Never Said Where

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"Well, the candles have been blown and all we need to do is clean up." Virus sighed, getting up from his chair. 

Trip's birthday usually consisted of the two cutting cake and exchanging gifts, nothing too fancy. "I hope that won't be the only thing blown tonight..." Trip muttered as he placed dirty dishes in the sink. 

"What was that?" Virus tilted his head to the side as he was busy plucking bits of wrapping paper from off the floor. 

Trip sighed and rolled his eyes before setting himself on the couch before the other. "How about a birthday...kiss?" 

Virus paused and chuckled before loosing all hesitance to unbuckle his not-twin's pants. "Virus, what the hell..." Trip didn't really mind, just a little confused is all.

"Well, you never said where..." Was the last Virus had smirked before starting to lightly trail kisses up and down the other's length. 

Trip bit his lip and started panting a bit as he felt Virus sucking him off like a straw, soon his member left behind. "Wh...Virus...!" He called out as Virus chuckled whilst walking away. 

"You said a kiss right? and that's just what I gave." 

"Get back over here, you!" 

Meanwhile, Virus had turned away mainly to mask a smirk crawling upon his lips. 


holy shit you guys 700+ followers, I'm 


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