PART 15: Time

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the darkened streets of beccles were eerily silent in the early hours of the morning. the streets, which by daybreak would be filled with the smiling faces of the locals, were desolate and lonely as he walked the dusty paths, his mind clouded with sadness yet determination, acceptance yet gloom. there was nothing more he could do to save his soul. he knew deep inside that once he tied the last loose end together, that would be it. he would be lifted from this world, on to whatever the afterlife had in store for him.

he took the time to walk by all the places he remembered dearly in his youth. the park was his first point of call. he remembered the hot summer evenings where he, kier, laurence and shane would gather there playing football, climbing trees and talking about their dreams. he came across a solitary wooden bench by the duck pond and recalled the night he and shane had shared their very first kiss in that spot, smiling weakly at the memory of laurence and kier teasing them affectionately.

"if only" he thought sadly to himself "if only I could go back to those simpler times just one more time" but knowing no force of nature could turn back the time, he sighed and exited the park, carrying on down the blackened path to his next destination.

as he reached the high school he paused at the gate sadly.

"this was where it all began" he thought sorrowfully. "fitting I would return here at the very end"

he stepped through the gate and across the school yard. the sound of laughter filling his ears as he remembered the times they would chase each other and fun fight on their breaks.

as he reached the doors he passed through into the lobby of his old school building. he recalled waiting there every morning for kier to arrive, he recalled shouting out to him to get a move on and they rushed to class, barely making it in time.

he wandered down the corridors. they were dark and empty but to him, they were bright and full of life, filled with so many faces he would never see again. he recalled walking beside laurence, rushing to share the stash of sweets in their pockets before they reached the next classroom. of course, he remembered the bad things too. he remembered the harsh words the other pupils would scream after them.

"fags" "emo" "geek" "freak" just to name a few. but it didn't matter, not one bit. as long as they were by each other's side they were invincible, untouchable, unbreakable.

as he reached the door of his old form room, his eyes fell upon a desk at the back. his eyes filled with tears as his mind drifted back to his first day there and remembered the exact moment it had happened and each word they had said

"do you mind if i sit here?" he had asked the shy, porcelain skinned boy as he pulled out a chair "my friends are in a different form and I don't know anyone here"

the boy had nodded bashfully as he had settled in the chair beside him, before turning and smiling at his new rather stange friend

"I'm drew by the way!" he had spoke confidently, hoding out his hand

"sh.shane" the boy had replied quietly, taking drew's hand gently and shaking it before letting his anxious eyes fall upon drew's backpack "I.I like your yoda bag"

drew remembered how they had relaxed together immediately after, discussing star wars and comparing lesson schedules.

"I never knew back then" he whispered grievingly, closing his eyes and letting a tear fall to the classroom floor "just how much you would come to mean to me"

a short while later he found himself in the music room, a strong sense of nostalgia washing over him as he let the memories fllod back. the lunch times spent there practicing, the first band he and laurence had created at the tender age of just 14. it had been there that the spark had began, where music had become their whole world, where they grew the passion that a few years down the line lead them to create the band that became everything to them. he took a moment to sit on his once favourite desk, swinging his legs as he pondered what would become of them. would they carry on without him? did he take their passion with him when he went to the gave? would things ever be the same again for FVK and the lost hearts? he hoped deep down in his heart that they would not give up. after all, they had all worked so hard and come so far. each one of them as talented as the other

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