PART 11: The Journey

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AUTHOR'S NOTES: so it's taken a long long time for this update! I'm really very sorry for the delay! I had not abandoned it and I had no intentions of doing so! after the news broke about Stevie D it did not feel right continuing at the point in time due to the nature of my story. once I was ready to pick it back up again, FVK dropped the bombshell of the split up and I've been doing a bit of grieving myself as I could barely listen to FVK yet alone write this. but I'm feeling a little more up to it now and the albums are back on repeat on my spotify so on with the story. I'm sorry again if I make you all cry but I honestly promise it will all be okay in the end.


the train clattered along the tracks as the late afternoon sun set over the passing fields.

silently, Luke and Lucy sat side by side sharing a pair of headphones and sipping from the cardboard cups of coffee that they had picked up in Liverpool street station just over half an hour before.

behind them Laurence sat watching Kier sleep soundly, his head pressed against the cold glass of the window as he twitched occasionally and muttered unsettling noises. it had been hours since he had broke down by the wall, and since then he had been distant, nervous and dreadfully depressed. sighing Laurence reached up and stroked his soft red hair lovingly before glancing across the table at shane. with his legs curled up on the seat he scribbled words in the notebook he held in his hands before looking up forlornly every minute or so and staring blankly out of the window, tears streaming down his porcelain pale face. from the seat beside him, drew watched sadly once again wishing he could throw his arms around him. his eyes wandered down to the page he had been scribbling on as he read the words

"life's so cold without you here. what I wouldn't give just to feel you near me one more time, to feel your arms wrapped around me, your breath on my face, your gentle voice telling me it will all be okay. I'll never know true happiness again, not without you here. I'm empty. tomorrow we lay you to rest, and I honestly do not know how I am going to live on without you here...."

he stopped reading as he felt his unbeating heart shatter, warm salty tears forming in his golden eyes. he glanced away and to the seat behind laurence before sighing and rising.

"Lucy" he said softly as he approached. Lucy did not turn but gave a quick firm blink to show that she had heard him "I..I need you to do something for me" drew took a moment to take a deep breath before continuing. "I..I want you to turn around and look at shane. when you see him crying I want you to tell pillnahn you'll be right back then go over and hug him. please Lucy, h.he needs a little bit of love right now and you're the only one I can ask...."

Lucy sighed sadly and gave another affirmative blink before slowly turning around.

as soon as she saw him, her heart ached. his fringe was sodden wet with the tears that trickled down his face and onto the page below. he looked so fragile, so lost, so alone.

immediately Lucy turned and tapped Luke on the shoulder gently

"I'll be back in a bit" she whispered as she handed Luke the other headphone "t.there's something i have to do"

as she rose from her seat and slowly made her way over, her legs began to shake. after all, she wasn't sure how shane would react. would he push her away? would he cry even more? never the less, she knew she couldn't let drew down and if truth be told, she had wanted to throw her arms around shane since that very first day in the hospital room.

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