30 Apology

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It's been a few days since the slap incident occurred. Mark seemed ok now, which made Jack think he'd seemingly forgotten about the whole thing. He said nothing about it at all while Mark continued to record his videos and be, well, Markiplier.
There was really only one way to know for sure if Mark had let it go.
Jack said softly peeking into the room where Mark had just stopped recording.
"We're outta some things, so I'm just gonna go to the store real quick."
Mark quickly stood from his chair.
"I'm coming this time."
Abort mission.
He is definitely not over it.
"I'm sure I'll be fine on my own.."
Mark curved a brow at Jack.
"Still, just so I'm not worrying, I'd like to come with you."
Jack sighed, and went to put on his shoes. What are the odds anything would happen now?

Jacks expression only grew worse as they left the store. Mark had just put the groceries inside the car when they heard a voice behind them in the parking lot.
The two turned, seeing Dalton. Mark had no idea who he was, so he was not hostile at all. Jack on the other hand was terrified, frozen as Dalton approached him.
"I just wanted to apologize..for how I acted and what I did. I know it was selfish and wrong of me. I'm very sorry Jack."
Suddenly the air was lighter. Mark knew now, but still, he said nothing.
Jack smiled a bit, waving his hand up.
"Ah, don't worry about it. We're cool."
Dalton smiled back.
"Thank you, well, I'll see you around."
Dalton walked off, and Mark looked over at Jack.
"That's the fan that slapped you right?"
Jack nodded.
"I'm happy he said sorry for it. I'm not used to gettin' apologies like that."
Mark smiled and set a hand on Jacks shoulder.
"Well, I'm glad everything worked out."
The two left, heading home to put the groceries up. Today seemed like a pretty great day so far. Everything was just turning out so peaceful and so nice. Then, Jacks phone buzzed.
A message this late in the evening?

He picked his phone up, reading an unfamiliar message that said, 'Hey Jack, it's Dalton. I know I apologized earlier, but I have something for Mark too, as an apology of some sorts. I'm just down the block at the convenience store. Could you please bring my apology gift to Mark?'

Well, he did apologize earlier. Plus, he did seem like he wanted to say something to Mark. Maybe it was fear holding him back? Ah screw it, if it's an apology thing for Mark as well then he'd just go get it real fast.

"I'll be right back, just goin' to the convenience store down the block."
Mark nodded at Jacks claim. He really didn't have any reason to worry about him now.
Jack threw on his jacket and shoes, then walked along the street. He arrived at the closed store, looking around for any sign of the fan. It was dark, but luckily, he spotted a dim light near the side of the store between the walls. Jack slowly walked over.
He asked, immediately receiving a response.
"Yeah, over here."
Jack walked on over, stepping close to the dim lantern on the side wall.
"What'd you wanna give Mark?"
Jack asks, noting there wasn't anything with Dalton.
"I wanted to give him something he'd always think about."
Jacks smile quickly dropped as Dalton lunged at him. His hands drew up, pushing against the fans body harshly.
"S-stop it!"
Jack yelled as they tussled. Dalton was strong, pushing Jack against the hard brick wall. He managed to yank jacks jacket sleeve off his left arm, and shove Jack to the ground. Dalton tied the free sleeve around Jacks wrists, and then shoved his face hard onto the ground. It was so hard to scream. It was all happening so fast, there wasn't time to think about screaming.
Finally, when Dalton put his hands on Jacks jeans and tugged, he managed to yell.
"Help me! Help! He-"
Suddenly Dalton was ripped off of his back. Jack struggled to flip himself over. It was Mark. He must've followed him after all. Mark slung the fan against the bricks, punching him hard right in his nose. Dalton quickly pulled his hands over his nose, making a pained sound. Then, Mark continued, beating the living hell out of the younger man. Jack was terrified. That didn't even look like Mark anymore.
Jack finally screamed, which made Mark stop. He released the fans shirt, and let him fall to the ground. Jack stared at Dalton. He was conscious, but there was blood everywhere on his face. His nose was dark, gushing out blood, and the cuts on his lips and black eyes were shockingly noticeable in the dim light. Mark grit his teeth, and walked over to Jack.
He didn't untie him, only picked him up in his arms, and walked away.

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