Chapter 3: Game On

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"What do you got ?" asked chief Roger impatient to get the new found information. The past two weeks were not easy for the chief either , the mayor had been pressuring him for any progress on his case.

"Come with me" said Marinette and started walking towards her office the folder had a little new found information , but in her office there was everything. The chief quickly managed to get to her and now they were walking together down the hall. " This is not a simple robbery " started the detective as they made a turn " We are dealing with a professional" she finished.

"Please tell me that this is not the only new thing you got" said the chief his tone full of worry.

"Of course not" said Mari and laughed a little. She knew that the mayor was breathing in the chief's neck for the past two weeks. She was feeling sorry for him , but at the same time this was part of the job.

"Just what I was expecting from my best detective" said Roger a big smile appearing on his face before they entered Marinette's office.

The chief's eyes immediately went to the big white board on the right side of the office , where he had seen so many cases on display during the years. Mari used it to track the criminal and connect the clues. But this time it was empty.

"It's on my computer" she said and they made their way towards the desk where Marinette showed him a few bank accounts of hospitals.

"What am I looking at ?" Roger asked as the dark haired detective sat on her chair.

"The total amount of money stolen from the mayor is 2.6 million right ? " she asked as she grabbed her calculator.

"Yeah" answered the chief looking her with a dumb expression on his face , as he still couldn't follow the direction of her thoughts.

"Look what number appears when you collect the newly donated money to this hospitals bank accounts" she said while tipping on the calculator.

When the number 2.6 million appeared on the screen the chiefs eyes lit up with satisfaction. He finally had something to throw at the mayor and luckily he would stop pressuring him at least for a little while.

"So we are dealing with Robin Hood ?" asked Roger as he put his hands on his belt looking at the detective.

"I don't know. I don't think he is doing it to help people in a need of money" answered Marinette as she leaned back in her chair and looked at the chief.

"Then why he is doing it ?" asked Roger as his eyebrows come closer to one another.

"I don't know" she answered with a heavy sigh. She researched this thing the whole night and managed to find only this. She was disappointed of herself. Roger saw the look in her eyes and put his hand on her shoulder.

"You did a great job" he said , but the disappointment didn't left her face. The chief made his way towards his office to call the mayor and tell him that they had found his money , but as he got to the door , he looked at the detective and said. "Nobody managed to find even this" he said and was about to continue , but didn't with his back towards her he said.

"You are officially taking this case" he finished and left before Marinette could protest.

Marinette eyes light up with surprise and anger. She never wanted to take this case , she was just helping Max and Kim. Nothing more , nothing less. With an angry look on her face  she quickly cough up with him on the way to his office.

"I was only helping Max and Kim. I'm not interested in taking it" she said rising her voice a little. The chief knew why she doesn't want this case , but at the same time she was his best detective and so far she was the only one who managed to find something about the case.

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