Chapter 7: Saved By A Handsome Black Cat

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It's been minutes and Mari was laying on the floor , blood spilling from her mouth , caused by the kicks off her blonde , female attacker.

In the begging she paid attention to what her attacker was telling , but now all she heard were some noises that she couldn't understand.

" Why the heel are you always poking your nose everywhere , you Fucking bitch " screamed the blonde female as she kept kicking the detective in the stomach. With every word her kicks become stronger and stronger. " You are always trying to ruin my life , always " said Chloe as she stopped for a few seconds finally giving Mari the chance to take a sip of breath.

Needing a little break from the kicks Chloe took a few steps back breathing deeply. She came here to finish the stupid detective that she hated from the moment she met her. And that was the reason Marinette was still alive. Chloe hated her so much that she wanted Mari's death to be slow and painful. A creepy and evil smirk appeared on the blonde female's face when she looked at the black yoyo with red dots. In the blonde's head there was no better way for a painful death than choking. She took the yoyo and started walking towards Marinette , who was going to pass out every moment now.

A blonde male was jumping on the roofs making his way towards the detective's apartment. It was late , but he knew that she would be working. How he knew ? Easy.
If you want to be a step ahead you study the enemy. When he found out who was hired on his case he didn't stop studying the detective for four days. And he was really impressed by how smart she was and beautiful as well. She was the rear combination of both brain and good looks.

As he stopped on the top of the building that was opposite to Mari's , he felt strange. His gut was telling him something was wrong. So he stopped for a second before he entered. He took a quick glance at the apartment through the windows. In one of the bedrooms and the kitchen there was nothing , but then his green eyes landed on the living room. Seeing the messed up souvenirs , pictures and the destroyed furniture , he knew something was wrong , so he hurried to enter the apartment.

It's amazing how much you could do for four days and find for four days. Like the old fire stairs at the left side of the building. It was a happy coincidences that it was climbing where Mari's room was. Just one wall was standing between the fire stairs and
the detective's bedroom and a window.

Within seconds Chat had climbed through the window and was quietly walking towards the living room where he assumed was the reason for this mess. As he was about to take the last turn down the hall he heard someone speak.
" With you gone all my problems will be solved "

It was a female voice , but it wasn't the sweet , melodic voice that the detective owned. It was the complete opposite. It was full of hatred and anger. In a second he heard a familiar sound. As it reached his ears he knew that he needed to enter the room immediately.

Entering he saw Marinette fighting for her life and a blonde female in a black leather suit with red dots was trying to cut her throat with wire that was hidden in a yoyo , that was matching her outfit.

Green pools changed in a matter a of seconds and the same time he needed to stop Mari's torture as he pushed the blonde female towards the wall behind her.

The detective's body fell on the ground as she took the long needed sip of breath. Now that she could breath her brain started recovering. And while Marinette was recovering Chat was fighting off Chloe. Only this time the skills of both of theme were at a completely different level.

Chloe's punches and kicks were easily blocked and in a matter of nanoseconds the some actions were thrown back at her.

A loud crush was heard after the blonde's body came in contact with the shelves on the wall. Chat did something that Chloe didn't even knew the name of. Her body laid on the ground as books fell on top of her , a sign for the strength off the handsome male.

" Who the fuck are you ? " asked Chloe staring at Chat's eyes through the mask , but as an answer she received silence. This man was so familiar to her , she knew him from somewhere , but she couldn't remember from where.

She managed to stood on her feet again and in a matter of seconds she found the best way to attack Chat , but halfway towards him gunshots were heard and the blonde changed the direction of her moves. Instead Chat she chose to run towards the window.
Using her body to break the glass , she successfully jumped from the last floor of the building.

Tracing the source of the gunshots , Chat's green eyes saw the wounded detective laying on he floor with a gun in her hand.
" Stupid bitch " said Mari before she passed out.

As her body rested lifeless on the floor Chat ran towards her to check her.
The blonde male took a quick scan over her body and except the red marks on her throat , from the wire , he found nothing. At least not before his eye caught something bark on her stomach , that was barely showing under the hem of her shirt.

As he lifted it up a little he saw the damage the blonde female has done to the detective. A giant bruise , or to be exact an inner bleeding. Chat couldn't do anything in his power to help her , she needed a doctor immediately. But there was a problem , he couldn't take her to the hospital looking like a cat. He was going to give the police a prof for his existence.

When he started this he knew that sooner or later his vigilante look was going to be uncovered , but he preferred it to be later. Biting his lower lip he decided to do something. It was the last thing he wanted to do , but he had no choice this was his last and only option.

Minutes later a blonde male entered Paris most famous and finest hospital caring a dark haired woman. The male's white shirt and jens were covered with drops of blood.

" Help somebody " he yelled and a group of nurses ran towards him to see what was the problem. " I found her lying on the street unconscious , she has a dark blue bruise on her stomach. I tried waking her up , but she doesn't respond " added the boy the fear so strong in his voice that his body was shaking from nerves and worry.

" Don't worry we will take care of her " said one of the nurses as a moving hospital bed come to the boy so that he could place the wounded woman on it.

He watched how the bed was pushed further into the hospital towards the emergency room he assumed. One of the nurses come to him and said.
" I know you're worried , but can you come with me to fill in some documents ? " she asked and he nodded as he started walking with her towards the reception.

She stood on the opposite side and was filling the documents for the boy , because she assumed that he won't be able to write. Filling all the gaps except the first one , in the hurry she simple forgot. Seeing the empty gap she said.
" I'm sorry , but can you give me your name ? " she asked and the man nodded.

" Off course it's Adrian " he said and a small smile appeared on his face.

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