I Will Protect You Part 2

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    "W-What the hell!?" The thief stuttered, their eyes wide and fearful. You chuckled and shook your head, feeling your wings burst from your back. You tsked your tongue, holding up your hand.
    "I think the words you should be saying are..forgive me father, for I have sinned." You said darkly, smiling widely at him. He backed up slowly, holding up his pistol.
    "Do you really think that little toy is going to hurt me?" You asked sweetly, taking a step towards him. He gasped, squeezing the trigger. You watched bullet come at you, easily stepping aside to watch it drive into a tree. You growled, flaring your glistening wings and lunging at him.
    The thief screamed out for only a few short seconds before he was shoved into the dirt. Your wings covered the two of you as you started hitting him in the face. The pistol skidded away and hid in the tall grass. He grunted as a fist flew to his jaw. You heard a crack, your adrenaline pumping more.
    "Get..off..me you..bird bitch." You were distracted by the name before he swung his fist into your face. You groaned, slamming into the wall as you held your cheek. You cursed loudly, watching him get up. You were just able to shield yourself with your wings as he retrieved his gun and shot several rounds. A few slipped past the feathers, hitting your chest.
    "YOU SON OF A BITCH! I JUST WASHED THIS!" You shouted, flinging yourself at him. Your stomach seared with pain as you tackled him further into the back yard. You completely forgot about your potential person, Mark, who was watching the whole thing.
    You groaned from the pain, but continued holding him down. You heard thunder rumbling above you and internally sighed. The thief beneath you squirmed and cursed at you loudly. You had your fun punching him until you ripped his mask off and threw it behind you. His blonde hair came over his face, his crazy green eyes widening. You grabbed his face and leaned close, staring deep into his eyes.
    "If I see you here..EVER..again, I'll make sure to rip your teeth out one and one and shove them down your throat." You said slowly, seeing him nod instantly. You spit at the ground, tasting blood in your mouth. You snapped your fist forward and drove it into his face. He went slack, passing out on the ground. You dusted off your hands just as the ran started. You flinched, feeling your wings getting weighed down by the raindrops.
   You scowled at the blood on your shirt, and strained to stand on your feet. You let out a big sigh, flapping your wings a little to shake off the water. Lightning crackled against the sky as you turned around and froze.

Mark was just standing there...

    He was staring at you, eyes wide and unblinking as he raised a hand to point at you. Your mouth dropped open as you stayed rooted to your spot. He was sputtering jibberish, his face paling. You cringed and held your hands up, seeing them bruised and bloody.
    "Now..now..let's not get hasty here. No need to freak o-" Your words were cut off as Mark fell backwards and passed out. Well, shit. You dragged the unconscious thief over to the bushes, contacting a few of your guys to take care of him as you went back to Mark. You took a hold of his arm and dragged him to his back door, grumbling the whole way. You managed to get him inside, laying him on the tiled floor.
    "Of course this is how my day is going." You said, rubbing your face. You stared down at him, shaking your head. You moved him to the couch, searching to find a cloth. You cussed out loud as your large wings knocked over several things. Annoying bastards, you thought angrily. You tucked them in your back, heading over to Mark. You dabbed his face gently, watching the cool drops trail down his face. By the now the rain was pounding on the roof and lightning flashed around you.
    "Ugh..." A groan slipped from Mark's lips an hour after he had passed out from shock. His red hair was sprawled out across his face, his head moving from side to side. You coughed awkwardly and sat in front of him, waiting. Your wings pressed against your back, slightly shivering from the cool air. He sat up, rubbing his face. He blinked slowly, lifting his head and seeing you. There was a couple seconds of silence before he broke out into a high pitched scream and fell off the couch.
    "For the love of God, stop doing that!" You yelled, standing on your feet. He scrambled back up, knocking over a coffee table. You punched the bridge of your nose and held your other hand up. With a flick of your wrist, you watched Mark tense up and gasp. He tried to move, but to no avail.
    "Now, you need to stop doing that screaming shit. Just calm down, and I'll explain everything. Just...deep breaths." You said softly, walking towards him. His chest heaved as he watched you closely. His eyes bugged out a little as they saw your wings brushing the floor. He nodded, taking a few deep breaths and standing still. He was shivering like a leaf as he gasped for air. You nodded, lowering your hand and clasping them together.
    "W-What are you?"
    "Well..um..do you believe in..uh...Angels?" You asked, watching his face closely. He looked confused and surprised, a normal response for a human. He wasn't even supposed to know you exist. He shook his head, gulping.
    "I mean...I do now."
    "I am from a Secret Protecting Program. Humans are not supposed to even know we exist, but..now you do. My name is (Y/N) and I'm your protector." You stated. He nodded, eventually calming down as he invited you to sit. You both sat across from each other. You explained more of why you were there and he tried to understand everything. His brown eyes swept along your wings, his curiosity bubbling.
    "You know, after all the shock, this is actually pretty cool. I never would've thought I'd have an Angel to protect me. Plus, those wings are pretty bad ass." He pointed to them, making my wings flick out from my back. He gasped, his plump lips breaking out into a smile. You felt yourself smiling as well, feeling confused as your heart sped up.
    Your wings nearly reached the walls in a beautiful, black arc. Your wings were a midnight black, the edges of your feather dipped in a scarlet red. At the moment, they glistened with water and dripped to the floor.
    "C-Can I touch them? They are real, right?"
You hesitated before standing up and nodding. Your wings fluttered slightly, sending water everywhere.
    "Well, they aren't exactly Halloween decorations."
    He chuckled, his mouth parted a little as he walked beside you. You were fascinated by his expression, frankly you were fascinated by him entirely. The way his brown eyes were so bright and flashy, the color of melted chocolate. His smile was bright and full of sunshine. His whole personality was just a gentle, kind, man. You snapped out of it, glaring at the floor.
    You let out a slight gasp as you felt Mark's fingertips touch your right wing. It sent tingles up and down your spine, soothing the aching pain. He noticed, bringing his hand back. 
   "I-It's okay..I'm just not used to it." He nodded, slowly touching the feathers again. Another wave of tingles spread through your wings, making them start to ruffle. He laughed and stroked your wing gently. You clenched your fists and remained a blank face.
    "Beautiful." His word made you relax slightly, a confused look crossing your face. You shook your head and stared forward as he touched and examined your wings.

Stay on task..don't get distracted by this..human..it's against protocol...you could never have..feelings..for a human..

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