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(A/N: Hello, Lovelies! This is a requested imagine about the Ed Sheeran song, "One." I'm going to try my best to make an imagine out of this XD. So, we will see how this goes. Also, Q/A vid will hopefully be up tomorrow! Enjoy, Lovelies! Requested by Deansbrighthalo .)

Imagine made from the song, "One" by Ed Sheeran.

She means so much to me...

Those words ran dizzily through Mark's head. He wiped away the tears that pricked the corners of his chocolate brown eyes. He had a bottle of whiskey in his hands, his eyes bloodshot and watery.
"Tell me that you turned down the man..who asked for your hand.." He whispered into the air. He leaned against a tree by a park, his eyes lazily sweeping over the scenery. You and Mark knew you loved each other, knew how much you meant to each other, but things just didn't work out.
Years you two have fought with your feelings, trying to convince each other there wouldn't be any good coming out of this. Mark sniffles kicking the ground as he took a few more gulps from the bottle. His stomach burned and his throat was sore as he let the alcohol run through his systems. He caught the sight of you and another man in the window of a café.
He had puppy dog love eyes and a major smile on his lips as he flirted with you. It made Mark jealous with anger as he stormed away and tried not to think about it. Now, here he was, drunk off his ass and stumbling around without direction.
You were the light to his darkness. You were the only one who made him see the good in the world. Now, he felt as thought his warm little ball of sunshine had burned out and crashed into the ground ground. So, he washed away his thoughts with booze as he stumbled on the sidewalk, thinking he could just run away from his problems.
He didn't realize how much you loved him. How much you spent nights completely drunk and locked in your house, crying and wishing for something to happen. He was the fire that warmed you, kept you safe. Now you feel as though you were just thrown into a black hole to freeze away.
A week has gone by if no contact from him and it made your heart feel like it had been torn out of your chest. You knew going out with a friend of yours wasn't doing any good. Even as he flirted and made you feel special, you couldn't bring yourself up to giving him back the effort. You swore you saw a flash of red hair by the window before you turned and realized nothing was there.
You were sitting in your house, a bottle of whiskey vodka gripped firmly in your small hands. You took a few sips from it, letting it slide smoothly down your throat. You felt your stomach warm up by it, your mind slightly hazy. You were surprised by a sudden surge of anger, making you slam the glass down on the table.

You needed him, he needed you...

You stormed outside, your eyes narrowing in front of you. You took a few deep breaths, stomping down the sidewalk. You were heading to Mark's house, not knowing exactly why. You ached for him, to see him, to touch him. You continued your journey, your mouth tasting strongly of alcohol.
Mark had finished off his second bottle, tripping over himself as he stumbled down the sidewalk back to his house. He was too drunk to remember how to get home, but he felt like he was going the right way. He passed by several people who looked at him with judging in their eyes. He didn't care, he didn't care about anything at the moment.
    His friends had grown tires of helping him with the same problem over and over again. Eventually, they just stopped helping all together. They went back to their old ways, leaving Mark to deal with such a big burden by himself. He sighed heavily, watching everything start to spin and turn double.
    He made it down the street, bumping into people and fences before finally reaching his own house. He felt something warm run down his cheek, but he didn't bother wiping it away. He climbed up the steps, dropping the bottle on the ground. It clattered into silence as he barged through the front door, shaking his head. He looked up, locking eyes with yours. You were standing a few feet from him, your eyes red and your face wet.
    His slow and hazy mind snapped somewhat back into reality at the sight of you. He opened his mouth to talk but, he ended up closing it again. You sniffled, your whole body trembling like a leaf. The sight of him made your chest hurt from the pain of missing him so much. You both stood in silence, drinking the appearance of each other in.
    "Hold me." You croaked out. Mark lifted an eyebrow, making sure he heard you right. You took a step towards him, your bottom lip quivering.
    "Hold me, dammit." You said more sternly, your voice breaking. Mark rushed towards you, holding you in his arms tightly. You melted into his touch, wrapping your arm around his neck. You both didn't utter another word, just took the moment to hold each other. He rubbed your back gently, his own body shaking as he let a few more tears stroll down his face.
    "You're the only one." Mark whispered, pulling your chin up and placing a gentle kiss on your lips. You are the only one. His words replayed in your head as you kissed him back, taking in his smell, his lips, his touch. You pulled away, reaching up to dry his face. He did the same to you, pulling you to his couch and holding you in his lap.
    "Just promise me you'll never leave again." Mark said, his voice breaking towards the end. In that moment, all your senses came to life. You realized just how much you needed him. All the years playing this stupid game with him, you didn't listen closer to your heart. Now, now you had. You nodded quickly, kissing his soft lips again. His black beard tickled your cheek as he kissed you back. He pushed his fluff of red hair out of his face, finally smiling.

It was the first smile you've seen from him in a long time..

    You smiled back, touching his face and feeling tears well up in your eyes again. He pecked your lips, reaching over and grabbing his guitar he had leaning up against the couch. Your heart pounded as you smiled wider at the sight. You remembered the singing sessions you and Mark had together, that was awhile ago. It was something you two shares deeply together, something it seemed like only the two of you did.
    "You remember?"
    "I do..."
    "Then, will you join me?" He asked, smiling softly up at you. You looked deeply into his soft brown eyes and nodded slowly. He turned back to his guitar, his fingers pricking at the strings gently. The melody started filling your ears, a smile stretching from one ear to another. It was practically you and Mark's song. It was a special song and seemed to fit perfectly into the situation at hand.
    "Take my hand and my heart and my soul.

    I will only have these eyes for you and you know, everything changes.

   We'll be strangers if we see this through.

   You could stay within these walls and bleed. Or just stay with me."

He sang out into the air, his voice bringing chills onto your skin. You leaned into him, watching him pluck the guitar effortlessly. He winked at you, singing as he looked into your eyes. You joined with him, both of your voices harmonizing into one beautiful and soft song that melted like honey into the air.
    "You're the only one."

(I'm so sorry if this is crap XD. It was hard to try and make an imagine out of the song. So, I tried my best. It sucks though, so I apologize for that. XD)

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