Blurry Face

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(HELLO MY LOVELIES! This is an amazing request by the amazing dancergirl336 . Thank you for choosing me to write your imagine! This is a unique and interesting one, so let's see how I do! ENJOY!)

    "(Y/N), you need someone to look after you." You frowned, turning the other way in your chair. You bit your bottom lip, holding back your choked up tears. You closed your eyes, rubbing your temples. Pain pricked inside your head, stress and anxiety was something you've learned to live with. You opened your eyes again, hearing the loud sigh of your father and the feathery touch of your Mother's hands.
    You looked straight forward, welcoming the blurry and white world you've been introduced to ever since the accident.

You were blind...

    When you were 11 years old, you got into a car accident with your Uncle and the injuries you sustained were extreme and serious. You knew something was wrong the minute you woke up from your three week coma. Ever since you woke, your world had slipped away. Now, you were trapped in a blurry world full of weird smudges and shapes, all color faded away.
    "I know...I know..." You whispered, gritting your teeth. You became frustrated with everything and everything, blaming anyone you could for your loss of sight. You became angry at yourself for letting this happen to you. You thought you could never be happy again, not with everyone treating you like a cracked case, ready to shatter at any given moment.
    "He's even your age, honey. He will be over very soon to help you around and get whatever you need. Be nice please and just have fun, okay? We will be back a lot later tonight. We love you." Your mother said, leaning over and pressing her lips against your forehead. You heard her soft and gentle voice, nodding and forcing a smile. Your father kissed your cheek, giving your shoulder a pat and leaving with your mother.
    You huffed, wringing your hands together. You listened to their car turn on and the sound of wheels crunching gravel as they pulled out of the driveway. You sighed, running a hand through your hair. You grabbed your stick leaning against your leg and hopped off the seat, sweeping the sick left to right and walking towards the door.
    You knew this house inside and out, you didn't need sight to see. You walked slowly down the hallway, hearing rain start to patter softly above you. You blew a strand of hair from your face, a frown deepening on your lips. You hated this. You missed seeing your own face in the mirror, you missed seeing your parent's smiles or their eyes. You missed being normal, you missed it so much.
    Before you made it to the door, the doorbell started ringing. You gripped the door handle, opening it, seeing nothing as usual. You waited for someone to say something, your lips pursing. You fixed the sunglasses on the edge of your nose, hiding your cloudy eyes more. You heard a deep voice clear its throat.
    "Hi there! I'm here to be your caretaker! Your parents called me! I'm Mark!" His deep and smooth voice made the corners on your lips twitch in interest. You smiled a little, holding your hand out. You soon felt his hand slip into yours, much bigger than your small hand. He shook his gently, pulling his hand away. You stepped back, motioning him to come inside.
    "H-Hi, my name's (Y/N). It's nice to meet you." You said softly, feeling your face blush. You slowly walked to the couch, feeling Mark's eyes on your back the entire time. You knew he was about to ask for help but you made it to the couch. You felt the couch dip down beside you, your heart race a little.
    After the tension calmed down, you two began to talk. It was a nice long talk that lasted longer than you expected. You two were on a roll, talking about common things. His voice was lulling, relaxing in a way. Soon, you were glad you let your parents pick your caretaker.
    "Do you need anything? If you do, I can gladly get it for you. If you need anything, just tell me." He said, sincerity in his voice. You cleared your throat, rubbing the back of your neck. You shook your head slowly, thanking him. You could feel yourself getting more awkward as the silence dragged on. You jumped slightly when he clapped his hands and stood up.
    "This sounds weird..but would you like me to read to you?" He said, a smile in his voice as he asked. You were surprised, putting your stick away and tucking your legs underneath you. You ran your fingertips along the arm of the couch, feeling the soft fabric between your fingers. It's bee so long since you were able to read, or be read to. You loved reading and the fact you didn't have brail books or parents who had time to read to you, was heartbreaking.
    "Y-You would do that?" You asked, a smile breaking out on your face. You felt him nod as he let out a chuckle. You grasped your chest, feeling overwhelmed.
    "Yes, please." You said urgently, nodding frantically. Mark got up and said not to move before going to the kitchen.
    Eventually, the aroma of buttery popcorn filled the air and Mark had come back. He set the bowl on the table, the sound of it against the glass perking your ears up. The couch weighed down again as Mark sat down next to you. The room was quiet, your ears being able to hear the quiet sounds of Mark opening a book. You were quite excited to finally be read to, imagine the story inside your mind. Mark cleared his throat, flipping through the pages and beginning to read.
    You leaned back into the cushion, looking in his direction. You wanted to see his face, but you knew that would never happen. His voice was smooth and deep, melting like honey when he read through the lines of the book. His voice was animated and quirky, his chuckle making you smile. It was almost hypnotizing, listening to him read this book. You were enjoying it very much, his kindness more than what you thought he was going to have.
    You fidgeted in your seat, biting the bottom of your lip.
    "Mark?" You said, interrupting his sentence. You blushed slightly, holding your hand out.
    "Can...c-can I feel your face? I don't know what you look like and..and I want to." You stuttered, pulling your hand back and rubbing your arm. Mark laughed lightly and you felt him scoot closer to you, nodding. You breathed a sigh of relief, smiling brightly. You tucked your hair behind your ears, taking a deep breath. You reached your hand up again, feeling the side of his neck. His skin was warm and soft, pleasant against yours.
    You let your hand travel slowly up his jawline, feeling how sharp it was, his stubble covering under his mouth. Your fingertips grazed past his ear, following along his cheek bone and to the ridge of his small nose. You giggled, hearing his slow breathing. Your hands followed his small lips, following the curve of a smile he currently was wearing. Your fingers felt his glasses resting on his nose, gently taking them off of his face.
    "Do I feel hot?" Mark teased, making the both of you chuckle. You shushed him, allowing your fingertips to graze over his eyes, his eyelashes brushing against your knuckles. You traced his hairline, feeling a few strands tickle you. You smiled again, letting both of your hands drifting over his whole face. He didn't seem to mind, you could feel his eyes on yours.
    "What color is your hair?" You asked, catching a lock between your finger and thumb.
    You nodded, an image of him popping in your mind. You pictured a black haired, chocolate eyed, handsome man sitting in front of you. One with a kind smile and charming voice to match. You liked him, and you didn't regret it. You pulled your hands away after they traced the last of his jaw, placing them in your lap. 
    "So? How am I?" He asked, a smile in his voice. You chuckled and gave him a thumbs up. You backed up when you felt your glasses being pulled off. After Mark reassuring, he slipped them off so he could see your ruined eyes. He held your hands in his, giving them a small squeeze.
"I'm so sorry for what happened. You didn't deserve any of this. I can promise you though, I'll take care of you. You're beautiful and unique, don't let anything make you think differently." Your heart fluttered at his words, your hands twisting in your hair. 

You liked your liked him very much...

But you knew you had no chance...

Who would want a girl who's imperfect?

(Part Two coming soon!)

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Imagines #2 (Book #2) <3Where stories live. Discover now