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(A/N: Hello Lovelies! This is a requested imagine requested by the lovely @wierdolester. This will be a calm and fluffy imagine. One that hopefully gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling in your stomach, or just makes you squeal into your pillow and smile. Anyway, this chapter is to make you feel good. I'm going to really put detail in this one. I hope you enjoy my lovely book worms.)

    The rain softly hit your roof in a quiet pattern as you grabbed your coffee from the counter. You wrapped your fingers around the cup, feeling its warmth seep through your skin. You stared out the window, enjoying the view of the storm. The sky was dull and ashy, clouds covering up the sun in an array of black and gray. The rain was pouring down by now, making streaks down the glass. The wind bent the trees slightly, leaves fluttering around in the air. You heard thunder rumbling in the distance as you turned around to go back to the couch. Jack was currently recording a video, his muffled shouting could be heard through the walls.

You snuggled up on the couch, a movie playing in front of you. You were wearing a large sweatshirt, and your comfy pair of sweatpants. You felt all warm and cozy, nothing better could happen. You took small sips from your steaming coffee, watching the movie with minimal interest. Your hair was currently in a beanie, keeping you warm. You laid back into the cushions, wondering when Jack would get done.

You were just started to doze off when you felt someone touching your face. You opened your eyes, seeing Jack sitting in front of you. His hand was caressing your cheek, smiling softly at you. You smiled back, stifling a yawn and sitting up. He headed for the kitchen after kissing your forehead, you following quickly. He poured himself a cup of coffee, taking a few gulps before turning back to you. You both smiled at each other, hearing the rain just above your heads. He set his cup down, gripping your waist and pulling you towards him. You giggled quietly, feeling his soft lips press against your nose. He sprinkled kisses all over your face, making you laugh even more. You ran your fingers through his green hair, allowing his brilliant blue eyes to show.

"It's too cold, for you here. So now, let me hold both of your hands, in the holes of my sweater." He sang softly, hiding your hands in his sleeves. You bit your lip, smiling widely at him. He hugged you, pushing your head into his chest. You hugged him back, wrapping you arms around his skinny waist. He kissed the top of your head, rubbing your back soothingly. You inhaled his cologne, feeling yourself relax instantly. He pulled away, pulling you by your sleeves to the couch. You both sat down, him pulling you in his lap. He rubbed noses with you, staring deep into your eyes. Lightning flashed outside, lighting the world up for a moment. The rain came down harder, increasing the noise above the two of you.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered, inches from your lips.

"You always say that." You said softly, laughing a little. He nodded, intertwining his hands with yours.

"I'll keep saying it. It's true, all Angels are beautiful." You felt yourself blush, looking away from him. He gripped your chin softly, forcing you to look back at him. He grazed his lips against yours, causing goosebumps to form along your arms.

"Don't hide that face from me. Then I can't kiss it." You chuckled at his pout he put on, hanging his head. You grabbed his face, gently pressing your lips against his. He kissed you back, his hands holding your hips. You two kissed slowly and tenderly, taking your time. He ran his fingertips up your sides, making you shiver. You ran your fingers up the back of his neck, feeling his soft hair slip between them. He hummed, kissing you deeply. You tilted your head, pushing him against the couch. You felt your beanie being pulled off, and felt your hair fall around your face.

His hands ran through the locks of your hair, running down your neck and over your shoulders. You smiled into the kiss, pressing against him. He held you close, his hands under your shirt and tracing patterns onto your bare back. He whispered sweet words against your lips, causing you to blush harder and feel your heart flutter in your chest. Your kisses turned deeper and hotter as the time went on. After awhile of passing kisses to one another, you two finally leaned away from each other. You traced his plump bottom lip with your finger, taking a breath. He stare at you with sweet eyes, smiling at you. You shared on more deep kiss before you were able to tear yourself away from his lips.

You went into the kitchen and got you and Jack more coffee. Sitting down, you cuddled up next to him as you picked out another movie. The storm was still raging on outside your house as you cuddled up under the covers and sipped your warm coffee. He kissed your forehead and drank his coffee, his arm around your waist.

Nothing could be better.

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Imagines #2 (Book #2) <3Where stories live. Discover now