You..or him?

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(A/N: Hello Lovelies! Basically, this request reminds of a scene in the game "Until Dawn." So, basically, this ain't puppies and kittens XD. It'll be interesting though, so let's go!)
Requested by: @Dadoubledeeds

"Babe, did you get the movies?" Mark called from the livingroom. You nodded, carrying a plastic bag full of movies and candy. It was movie night, every Monday was to soften the blow to the start of another week. You tossed the bag onto the table, giggling at Mark.
He was currently upside down on the couch, his legs where his head should be. His black floof of hair brushed the carpet floor as he stared up at you. He waved innocently, breaking into a smile. You shook your head and poked his stomach before he flopped onto the floor and stood up with his hands on his hips. He looked outside, already starting to shiver. It was practically a blizzard outside. The wind was howling, giant flakes of snow was hailing now, and it was below freezing.
You snuggled deeper into your soft blankets, tugging your beanie tightly on your head. He rubbed his arms and got the movie set up in the TV, jumping back down on the couch. You chuckled, pulling him towards you as he wrapped an arm around you and kissed your forehead. The movie started and you two enjoyed two steaming cups of hot chocolate as you two held a quiet conversation as the movie rolled.
Suddenly, Mark's phone went off and he reached out to get it. The screen illuminated his handsome face as his eyes scanned the text. He looked up, giving you a worried glance as he grabbed the remote and switched off the movie. Before you could speak, he turned on the TV to the news. A woman was speaking, a picture of a blurred man standing outside shown on the screen.
"Police advise everyone in town to lock their windows and doors. I repeat, everyone needs to make sure they are safe and locked inside their house. Call after call of an alleged robber-" The tv was cut off by bad signal from the storm. Mark scratched his head, looking over at you. You shrugged, the two of you then walking around the house to ensure that everything always locked.
After a few hours came by, you needed to use the restroom. Pecking Mark's lips, you got up and walked to the bathroom. The blizzard was still raging as you washed your hands and fixed your hair in the mirror. Feeling satisfied, you began walking back down the hallway. Before you made it, you thought you heard someone knocking on the door. Who the hell would be out this late AND in the middle of the storm?
"Mark? Did you hear that?" He didn't respond for a couple minutes, obviously engrossed in the movie still playing.
"I didn't hear anything, babe. Why would anyone be outside?" You pursed your lips, looking back at your front door. Maybe it was just the trees. Shrugging, you took another step towards the living room.

Knock knock

Okay, that was someone at the door. Worried they were in trouble, you walked briskly to the front door. You turned the knob and opened the door, nearly having it slam into you because of how strong the wind was. You held the door tightly, shielding your face away from the harsh bitterness of the cold.
    "Hello? Can you please help me?" A small voice could be heard in front of you. Squinting, you finally saw the girl huddled in front of the door, her eyes locked on yours. You gasped, seeing her hair soaked from the snow and her trembling figure. She was taller than you, but being hunched over as she was made her look smaller.
    She had dark brown hair that was currently plastered to her head and her trembling lips showed her discomfort. She was wearing a large black trench coat, her hands shoved inside the pockets. You guided her inside quickly, slamming the door closed and wrapping an arm around her shoulders as you lead her into the kitchen.
    "Thank you. Thank you so much! My car broke down a mile from here. Thank you!" You nodded, giving her a warm smile and rubbing her shoulder as you sat her down at the table. Mark made his way in the kitchen, his eyes wide and confused as they landed on the girl.
    "That's okay! You shouldn't be out in that weather at all! You can stay with us until help comes tomorrow! This storm doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon. Plus, it's pretty dangerous since the newscast let out." The girl and dark green eyes to match her dark hair. She looked confused as she stared up at you.
    "Newscast? I don't think I've heard."
    "Oh well then it's a good thing you ran into us! There's supposedly a robber running around tonight and they've been harassing the neighborhood!" The girl looked scared as she thanked the two of you again before shivering in her seat. Mark walked over and wrapped his arm around you, looking at the girl in sympathy.
    "You must be freezing! Here, Mark can you make her some hot chocolate to warm her up? I'll take you to our room and you can borrow some warmer clothes! The shower is upstairs as well and I'm sure you're dying for some hot water!" The girl looked extremely happy as she nodded and started following you upstairs. You heard her quiet footsteps behind you as you walked into your room and started rummaging through your dresser.
    "You're so nice for doing this, really. I'm so thankful." Her voice was quiet and soft, almost like a whisper. You nodded to her and smiled, pulling out some clothes and folding them in your arms.
    "It's no problem really, no one wants to be trapped out there. It's scary and with this maniac running all over to-"

    "I prefer the term Psychopath actually."


Then you heard a gun cock..

    Your hands drop the pile of clothes onto the floor as your eyes stare frozen at the mirror in front of you. Your eyes remain unblinking as you notice the girl standing directly behind you. Her eyes are locked on you're, her wet hair sticking to her face and lips. You couldn't see anything, but you suddenly felt the sharp end of a gun being pushed roughly into your back.

    "I said..I prefer the term psychopath..."

(Oooooooooooo what's gonna happpeeennnnnn....)


Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Imagines #2 (Book #2) <3Where stories live. Discover now