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Woken up like an animal
Teeth ready for sinking
My mind's lost in bleak vision
I tried to escape but keep sinking

After the war Harry isn't the same anymore.
He's like a caged animal wanting to be freed he's trapped inside a broken person, his soul shattered beyond belief.

Limbs lost to a dead weight state
Skull cage like a prison
And he has lost faith he'll ever see again
So may he once thought of me then

Draco knows that Harry isn't the same he tried to help but after a while it became too much for him he started drifting from Harry, isolating Harry from himself.

Underneath this skin there's a human
Buried deep within there's a human
And despite everything I'm still human
But I think I'm dying here

Harry is trying to desperately show everyone that he wants out,he needs out,he can't take it anymore he's still human but they treat him like an animal, a creature, a freak.

Woken up like an animal
I'm unready for healing
My mind's lost with nightmares streaming
Woken up kicking screaming

Flashbacks. He gets flashbacks of the war. Of Fred's lifeless body lying there while George sobs into Ron's arms, Remus holding onto Tonks hand, Teddy crying while Andromeda tries to calm him, Everyone's screams as the Death Eaters gain on them then Voldemort's body ripping and turning into dust.

Take me out of this place I'm in
Break me out of this shell-like case I'm in

He scream for help, screams to be taken away from this broken thing he is. He begs to be free to stop the nightmares but it doesn't work. He tries to think happy thoughts but all he can see is death and he can smell the blood just like it was yesterday.

Underneath the skin there's a human
Buried deep within there's a human
And despite everything I'm still human
I think that I'm still human
I think that I'm still human
I think that I'm still human

They don't believe him,they think he's gone insane but he's not, he isn't the same man he was back then. There's no fire in his eyes or joy on his face there's no spark to him it just fizzled out.

Underneath this skin there's a human
Buried deep within there's a human
Despite everything I'm still human
But I think I'm dying here

He finally gives up on trying to save himself. He's drowning and they all just sit and watch it unfold. He's just as human as they are but why is it he's looked down upon? Why did they stop caring that he was the Saviour of the Wizarding World? No one cared anymore no one took a second glance at him. Why did his friends stop caring? And worst of all why did his lover Draco leave him alone stranded with nothing but his own mind? They unknowingly are killing him.

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