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I'll wrap up my bones
And leave them
Out of this home
Out on the road

I stay here in our apartment with you because its the only home i know even though we're not as we used to be,it's still a home to me Draco

Two feet standing on a principle
Two hands longing for each others warmth
Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats
Darkness falling, leaves nowhere to go

No matter how different we are we still need each other and I can't seem to let go, even though its making the relationship somewhat unhealthy

It's spiraling down 
Biting words like a wolf howling
Hate is spitting out each others mouths
But we're still sleeping like we're lovers

Laying in bed next to someone I used to adore, both of us awake pretending the other isn't, both of us craving intimacy if only to bring back that love but it never does. The viciousness and that feeling of being trapped in a dead relationship it just spreads like poison. We still act like lovers even though we're both slowly falling out of love. That's how our love story is right now.

Still with feet touching
Still with eyes meeting
Still our hands match
Still with hearts beating

Our relationship is failing, but we both feel as if we have to stay together because in reality, i don't know what i would do without  you Draco, i want us to be together, but my heart is preventing me from loving you and I know yours is doing the same.

Still with feet touching
Still with eyes meeting
Still our hands match
Still with hearts beating

Our love was once so strong that sometimes I hoped that staying together we could fall in love with each other again, and i keep searching for a sign that something could be changing between us but it's just like continuing the agony and fueling the bad feelings that are replacing our love, it's not getting us anywhere.

Still with feet touching
Still with eyes meeting
Still our hands match
Still with hearts beating

We're both afraid to be the one to say that it's over because i know we're both aware that after that, there will be no coming back.

Two feet standing on a principle
Two hands digging in each others wounds
Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats
Darkness falling, leaves nowhere to move

We're both falling out of love with each other and its neither of our faults but we still keep clinging to the ghosts of the love that we both once shared and Draco its not right and its not helping either of us.

It's spiraling down 
Biting words like a wolf howling
Hate is spitting out each others mouths
But we're still sleeping like we're lovers

We both stand on different principles and we're both after different things. We may be very different, very opposite individuals to begin with but somehow we fell madly in love but now these differences are causing us to hurt each other even though I know we never meant to hurt one another. I never meant to hurt you Draco, I really didn't.

Still with feet touching
Still with eyes meeting
Still our hands match
Still with hearts beating

Everyone's love story is different and ours is a story of a love gone wrong, but neither of us are willing to admit that.

Still with feet touching
Still with eyes meeting
Still our hands match
Still with hearts beating

I want to take everything back that I've done wrong and make it all okay and I know you do too and that's why neither of us have left,even though our love is clearly burning to ashes in front of us.

Still with feet touching
Still with eyes meeting
Still our hands match
Still with hearts beating

Neither of us want to accept the fact that it's over because once we do we know will lose each other forever.

I'll wrap up my bones
And leave them
Out of this home
Out on the road

We are both destroying ourselves in order to save a relationship that is simply hanging by a string. We swallow all the hateful words we throw at each other and keep forcing ourselves to find the fire that drew us together but in all honesty that fire is gone. It's all so cold and bitter now. We keep on pretending everything is okay in hopes that one day it will be, but it's not going to be okay and we need to come to terms with that.

Two feet standing on a principle
Two hands longing for each others warmth
Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats
Darkness falling, leaves nowhere to go

Draco, there's no passion, no desire to be with each other, but the thought of not being with each other is too painful. The comfort level and love is there and always will be,the positive memories,the lack of intimacy slowly breaks down both of us and eventually even the slightest touch between us both is rare. It hurts like hell it does and I know you feel the same and yet we keep it going. It's an addiction and it takes a lot to finally let go and move on. We need to realise there's no saving this we simply have fallen out of love with one another. It was never meant to be Draco, It was a lesson in life and an experience that both of us will never forget.  We need to move on and experience a different kind of love with someone else. Letting go is the hardest thing in the world, and pretending just seems easier than actually moving on and cutting ties fully but we keep hurting each other although we never want to hurt each other. I think it's time we move on and leave one another because you deserve better, Draco you truly do. I love you but I'm not in love with you and you feel the same so why don't we let this go and get the love we both deserve.

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