~Tangled In Love~Tyler, Tyler, Tyler...Ugh!!~Chapter 3~

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Hey guys, what’s everyone up to? IT’S 2012 AHHHHHHHHHH LOL!!!!!! Anyways this would have to be the fastest upload ever but it's a little short sorry J but I have to go back to school on Monday L. So exams are coming up soon so I won’t be able to upload often; or maybe until exams are over.

~Chapter 3~

            Dad was being so unfair saying that I can’t go to the party, and since it guys and girls and at night and no chaperons. I asked mom and she agrees, so mom way trying to  convince my dad to let me go. After hours of convincing dad finally agreed, but I have a curfew 11:00pm.

            I called Aleeza, we talked about going to the mall to hang out, and so she can her outfit for the party. I looked at the clock and it was 8:00pm and I just remembered that I had homework so I hanged up and started working. I finished my homework after an hour.

             The next day Roselleand her colons Rena and cyma (pronunciation Ceema)    were coming toward us. Roselle Neck is the head bitch of them all. She’s a slut; she hooks up with anything with a dick. As mostly all the guys put it Roselle is ‘hot’ she’s pretty but she dresses like a prostitute. She’s blonde, green eyes, and around 5’5.

            Her other colons are not as bad as her. Cyma Ahmad use to be our friend throughout middle school, but then she started hanging out with Roselle and we started drifting apart now we don’t speak ever. Cyma has black hair with pink strikes, and big chocolate brown eyes. Cyma is shorter than me my a few inches she’s approximately  5’3.

            Rena Seldeno is the other slut, but she’s stupider than a donkey. Let’s not forget she’s Tyler’s sister .She has blonde hair with some darker highlights, sapphire eyes , she’s short maybe the same height as Roselle.

“Hey Samantha, I hear that you are coming to Tyler's party” she says all smug

“Yeah, I'm coming with my friends. It’s Sam by the way” I said rolling my eyes at her; everyone knows I hate being called Samantha. It’s either you call me Sam or nothing else; only close friends and family call me Sammy.

“Whatever. I think that's going to be a problem. You losers don’t belong at our parties and Tyler is mine.” she said.

 “Really who asked you, Tyler personally invited me” I said with attitude.

“Whatever” she said with her hand in my face.

 “You did a good thing by walking away” I said smiling.

            I had math first period then English second period, but it was very boring. Once the bell rang for lunch I nearly ran to freedom. I swear the board of learning should come up with a way to make shorter and classes more entertaining and less boring.

             I walked to my locker Tyler stopped me on my way there, he asked me for my number. I didn’t want to tell the other especially Aleeza because she will make a big thing out of nothing. While I was talking to my friends, but the whole not telling her didn't go so well. My phone vibrated signalling that I got a text.

‘Want to have lunch with me?’

            I was about to text him back, until Aleeza snatched my phone out of my hands. I tried to retrieve it but I was too late she read it already. Of course was mad, but couldn’t be mad for long.

 “You have to go eat lunch with him” said Aleeza

 “I know right” Cody said in a girly voice and flicking him wrist. Aleeza rolled her eyes and Cam, Nawsheen and I laughed at him.

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