~Tangled In Love~What Are We Now?~Chapter 8~

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  • Dedicated to Michelle Kazmi



I'd like to give a shout out to my friend Michelle Kazmi for helping me get through my writers block and for helping me research information. THANK YOU SO MUCH MICHELLE LOVE YOU

P.S had a blast at the mall with you today; Thursday June 21 2012

Chapter 8

It’s been 2 and half weeks since Tyler and I got back together after the party. Tyler is so sweet he is caring, kind, he acts like a gentlemen; he opens doors for me, compliments me-even at my shitty days-he was the best boyfriend anyone can ask for. A few weeks ago if you told me that I would be dating someone from the popular crowd I would have straight up laughed in your face.

Cameron and I hadn’t talked since, we ignored each other at school; in classes, or at lunch, we sit far away from one another as possible- the other side of the table far away- in short we don’t acknowledge the other presence .

It was Wednesday afternoon; I was at my locker getting my things together and finally getting my ass home and sleep. I haven’t been sleeping very well lately I have been thinking about our fight, and what was said to one another I hated it. Cam and I were the closest out of all our little group of friends-I would go to Cam first to talk about my shitty day and he would make me laugh, and now that we aren’t talking we don’t even look at each other without averting our eyes for goodness sakes.

“Hey Pocka Dots, what you been up to?” I didn’t need to look to know who it was, I would recognise that voice from a mile away, that and the fact that the person called me Pocka Dots.

I felt the person’s arms snake its way around my waist. I leant back placing the back of my head on Tyler’s chest; he adjusted his chin on my right shoulder. Closing my eyes just letting them rest for a few seconds they’ve been trying to shut off all day I almost slept in science and photography class. Tyler began to kiss up and down the right side of my neck and jaw, I felt sparks erupt through my body; I love the feel of his lips on my skin I had to bite my tongue in order not to let a moan escape my lips. I tilted my head to the left a little to give him better access of my neck.

“Hey, nothing just tired; haven’t slept much last night” I replied my eyes still closed, savoring the feel of Tyler’s mouth on me. Suddenly Tyler’s sweet lips vanished from my neck, he pulled away but still supported my while I leaned of him.

“Why haven’t you been sleeping well? Are you scared of the monsters that are hiding under your bed and closet?” he joked. I decided to play alone, to see how far he was going to take it.

I turned in his arms so we were face to face. I gave him my best puppy dog face and nodded. “I am so scared that I can’t sleep at all, maybe you can come over tonight and ask them to go away.” I suggested giving him a flirty wink.

“Oh, I am most defiantly up for that, I love scaring monsters away” he smirked. My gaze darted to his lips. I had the urge to kiss him but, it’s kind of awkward when the whole school is starting at you. Suddenly his smirk faded and he looked nervous. Why was he nervous?

“So, I was wondering if you would like out on a date?” he asked nervously. That is why he was so nervous. That’s so cute

“Yes, I would love to go on a date with you” I chirped grinning like an idiot.

“Great, I’ll call later. I got to go to practise.” He said quickly. He pecked my lips quickly still feeling tingles shoot through my body. He jogged down the hallways to his friends going then man hand shake thing.

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