~Tangled In Love~ Please Let Me Explain~Chapter 10~Tyler's P.O.V~

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Chapter 10

~Tyler's P.O.V~

It's been 2 months Sam and I have been dating. It was the last day of school before winter break and we get 2 weeks off of school for holidays. I have been feeling guiltier and guiltier by the day about what happened the night of the party. Today I was going to tell Sam what happened; I know she will be mad and even if it meant losing her. I couldn't keep this away from her any longer the suspense was eating me alive, that and I didn't want her to hear it from someone else. I love Sam way too much to keep this from her any longer; she deserves to know the truth. I really hope Sam doesn't freak too much, I really need her in my life. My life is already fucked up people always walk out on my mom and I. I feel like Sam is the only one I can actually trust. I was sitting with Sam at the back of the field with my arms around her. I cherished this moment in case this would be the last time I would be able to do this.

"Sam, I have something really important I have to tell you" I said getting very nervous, I felt my palms getting sweaty.

"Sure what is it?" Here goes nothing. I opened my mouth about to say something, when someone bet me to it.

"Hey Tyler...Samantha" Said the voice, I turned to see who interrupted me. It was none other than Rena. God do I hate her she is always flirting with me, but I wasn't any better I use to flirt with her too that was before I met Sam.

"What do you want Rena? We're busy." I said rolling my eyes.

"I overheard you talking to the guys this morning" she said with a big smirk on her face and I knew what she was talking about. I talked to Caleb this morning about telling Sam about what happened that night. He was obviously disappointed when I told him the story, but he understood and actually gave me advice on what to say to her and how to say it to her.

"What is going on?" Sam asked in an annoyed and confused tone.

"Well, you see Samantha, Tyler-"I cut her off.

"Rena, don't." I shouted at her, my blood was boiling. This is exactly what I was worried would happening I wanted to tell her myself; I didn't want her to find out from anyone; especially not from Rena. Sam had a look of confused as ever while Rena's smirk got bigger.

"As I was saying Samantha, Tyler and I hooked up the night of the party a while ago. After you and that freak Cameron made out together."

"Cameron isn't a freak." Sam defended her friend. Rena laughed a sickly laugh. But then something came across her face, like realization. Her eyes darted at me, a look that made my stomach knot. She looked at me with so much hurt; a glared was starting to form on her face but the tears were starting to build up from the corner of her eyes were preventing it to. "Is it true?" her voice cracked slightly but you wouldn't have noticed if you didn't pay attention.

I put my head down and nodded once, feeling guiltier. I didn't want her to find out like this; I wanted to tell her and I wanted to tell her in my own way. I wanted to tell her how it happened rather than she hears it from someone and gets the wrong idea of things. I felt hands of on top mine, I looked down to see Sam's small ones trying to pry my hands off he waist, Sam got up immediately and start walking away. I felt my heart ache at the sight of her leaving me.

I went after her; I grabbed her arm gently and pulled her back.

"Please let me explain." I pled

"I don't want to hear it. I trusted you, I believed that you were different than the person that everyone think you are, but actually you are exactly that person. I guess I was just one of your girl toys. But I'm the idiot here; I'm the one who actually letting myself fall for someone like you. God I feel like such an idiot. Congratulation, you succeed you got me to fall for you and now you can go with your slut and fuck what's left of her brain." After she said that she walked away shaking her head without another glance at me.

I watched her leave. I watched slip away right from in between my fingers. I turned back to Rena; her face wore a huge smirk. The anger in me started to raise my blood was boil, my fists started to tighten, I would never hit a girl, but I was just so aggravated that she would do that. I don't understand what that gained her. Bitchyness? She already has that title

"What the hell Rena? Why would you fucking tell her when you knew I was going to tell her myself? That night meant nothing to either of us and you and I both now it." I yelled.

"She isn't one of us Ty. She doesn't belong with people like us. She doesn't deserve your time or effort." She said.

"What and you deserve me or any of that from any guy? What do you mean people like us? What, because she doesn't open her legs to every guy in school? Because, she actually cares about other before herself?" I spat.

I didn't let her reply back I turned and walked towards my car thinking of ways to get Sam to forgive me and get her back into my arms. I thought I would leave Sam alone for tonight, to give her a chance to think. I would go to get first thing tomorrow morning to apologise to her until she forgives me. Maybe I should ass in a dozen or two of flowers.


I know you guys are very mad that I haven't uploaded for a few months. I kind of forgot about this story, and I have been so busy I am currently writing a new book called 'Pregnant by My Rapist' also I started a new semester a few weeks ago I have: Parenting, Math (which I think I'm gonna fail) Computer Media and Science so I'm pretty busy. I will try my best to start uploading more.

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Live, Love <3, Laugh :D, and Eat Some Ice Cream!!

Rand Qadri

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2013 ⏰

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