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At the airport…

Yuri’s pov

I am nervous again.

What will be her reaction? Will she forgive me? I hope so.

I love her so much.

The days without her are like years of waiting.

I am inside the car waiting for her.

Tiffany has her schedule and krystal is waiting for Jessica. I receive a text from krystal they are coming.

What should I do? Few more minutes of waiting…I try to look good. I kept looking at the mirror. I can see them..

they are getting nearer. Inhale … exhale…


I open the door and get out… she was surprised. I looked at her.

She looks away and gives her sister a glare.

“ahhh.. hmmm.. tiffany unnie has her schedule she said that yuri unnie will help to carry your luggage.. And she said that yuri-unnie will be the one to go with you back to your dorm.” krystal said.

“i know but...aish!” Jessica said aloud,, I guess she’s still mad at me.

“krys just go call a cab. And I can manage to carry my luggage’s.” Jessica said.

I look at her, I pick up some of the luggage’s and put it in the car.

“hey what do you think you’re doing..” she said.

“you heard your sister… go inside the car. I will drive you home. Taking a cab is too dangerous for you.” I said.

“yes please unnie.” Krystal pleads while pushing Jessica at the front seat.

“alright just don’t push me.” She said and entered the car. Krystal get in also and I drove off.. on our way back no one dares to talk.. until krystal’s phone rings… she then answered.

“yes..ne.. ok” krystal said And hung up.

“ahh.. yuri unnie can you drop me off to this place?” krystal said and hand me her phone..

Jessica looked at her immediately.

“oh..it’s on the way so I guess it’s fine.” I said. So this is fany’s plan.

“where do you think you’re going?” Jessica asked her sister.

“it’s an urgent call from Victoria unnie. She said that we will have our guesting urgently. Sorry unnie. I’ll catch up with you when we are done.” Krystal said.

“I understand. *sigh* take care alright and thank you for picking me up, let’s just see each other whenever. you need to take your rest after your guesting. I will be fine.”

Jessica said and gives a smile to her sister. “thank you unnie. You’re the best!” krystal said.

Then silence again…. A few minutes and we arrived at the place where krystal addressed me. We get out from the car.

“ahh bye unnie. Take your rest. I know you’re tired from the flight.” Krystal said kisses Jessica and hugged her.

“thank you too yuri-unnie. And take a good care of my sister.” She said and smiles. Then we wait until she entered the building.

“you can sit at the back if you’re more comfortable with it.” I said to her.

But she still sat in front next to me. I am so happy at this moment. Then silence again. Then I drive off again.

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