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(It’s evening already..)

“wahh! At last!” sooyoung shouted as she entered the dorm With seohyun heading to the living room where the girls are resting except for yoona and sooyoung eating at the dinning place and yuri upstairs packing her things for the shooting of fashion king. ”hey taeyeon unnie it’s been a while i haven’t had the vacation but this one is least expected I have no schedule for a week so I’ll be leaving tomorrow and visit my family.” says the maknae. “alright!,so it will be me , sunny, fany  and sica will be left here. Yoon,yuri and sooyoung will be having there film recording while hyo will have her practice for DWTS. You will be leaving. All set now I’ll send the report to manager oppa(sitting in front of her laptop).”

 “I just receive a message from manager oppa that there will be a connection and spyware check-up here tomorrow morning.” Said taeyeon,sooyoung walking towards the living room leaving yoona at the dining place. Everyone has their attention to soo except yoona who’s still eating, she sat near hyo. “so what they want us to do??” asked hyo. “accompany and entertain them while they are working and give them something to eat. manager oppa said. Besides you guys aren’t here tomorrow right?” taeng says. Yoona finished eating and cleaning the dishes. She stand near the sofa.

“Well I got to go now everyone see you in three days” said yuri in a rush interrupting the conversation while walking downstairs with her luggage and heading forward to Jessica. yuri gave jess a quick peck. ”I really can’t take this” yoona whispered walking upstairs. but as yuri turn’s back Jessica pulled yuri’s arms and kiss her deeply and passionately  yuri can’t resist but returned the kiss, suddenly tiffany cover’s seohyuns eyes and said “maknae must not see this stuffs” and as they continue..”ehheemm..(Clears throat) I think you should go know yuri or you’ll be late” tae said.. “Or better get a room!” sunny said chuckling.  Yuri and jess stop, turning red in embarrassment as everyone staring and laughing. “I rrreally need to go now or I’ll be late” yuri said and hugs jessica as farewell. “take care.. and I’ll wait for you” jessica whispers to yuri’s ear and kiss her for the last time. …awkward silence “I need to prepare my luggage for tomorrow” said seohyun as an ice breaker while removing fany’s hands covering her eyes and goes upstairs, As yuri left the dorm. sica goes upstairs with her usual icy expression but this time she’s still blushing. “I’m still not use to see them doing that thingy..” said hyo looking at the stairs. “yeah me too but there’s nothing we can do about it.” Said soo. “guess you’re right.well I better pack my things up too for tomorrow don’t want to be late” hyo smiles. “yah me too I need to fix myself coz I’m about to leave later on” soo said as they went upstairs.

yoona’s POV inside her room

 everytime I saw yuri and Jessica doing their PDA’s, I can’t stand it. That’s why I always tend to leave and look away when they are around. But why does it bother me anyway.

 “Then it’s the three of us again plus sica, do you guys have plans for tomorrow? I want to have my nail polish and hair color.” Said taeng “but there will be a check-up here for tomorrow so that means our time is occupied assisting them.” Said tiff “then let taeng go to the salon by her-self or accompany her if you like I’ll just stay here and monitor them.” Said sunny smiling voluntarily, “looks like you had something on your mind eh, well I can’t leave either coz manager oppa just says that I must escort the visitors tomorrow because they are not the same guys that does the inspecting last month. Looks like I have no other choice”. Said taeng “hmmm.. Interesting, and how did you know about that?” said tiffany raising an eyebrow. Taeng raised her laptop in front of tiffany and said “here look this are the photos and some info’s send by manager oppa lately.” pointing at the screen while grinning.

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