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At dandyu’s room…

Taeyeon walks in seeing sunny still awake playing her DS.

“do you want to eat? Sica bought a cake and I bought some ice cream. If you want I can bring you some.” Taeyeon said walking closer to sunny.

 “no. I am fine.” Sunny said and turn off her DS the scene was now flooding on her thoughts. Taeyeon sat beside her.

“sunny-ah are you still mad?” taeyeon asked sunny.

 “you must be tired you should take a rest now taeyeon.” sunny said fighting her tears not to form.

[taeyeon?] taeyeon thought and hugs sunny from the side. Sunny was not happy about it she still remember the scene earlier. She was removing herself from taeyeon’s embrace.

“I want us to be like this for a moment. please sunny-ah don’t move nor speak let me tell you something.” Taeyeon said and tightens the embrace.

“I don’t want to hear it, your explanations. We should rest now. I am tired taeyeon” sunny said and start to separate her contact to taeyeon’s arms. Taeyeon let go of sunny. And was about to stand. But the words of Jessica hit her. she stop and hold sunny’s arm tightly as she can.

“ahhh…taeyeon let go of me.” Sunny ordered her.

“NO! LISTEN TO ME!” then she stare at sunny’s eyes.

“STOP IT!”sunny said while resisting to taeyeon’s, she starts to cry.

*sobs* taeyeon’s grasp was started to loosen. Taeyeon inhaled and exhaled deeply. She doesn’t wan’t to see sunny crying.

“lee soonkyu, saranghae.” Taeyeon said still looking at sunny.

“taeyeon no-“ sunny was cut by taeyeon, she kissed sunny gently. Sunny tried to resist but she can’t endure her feelings. all her hatred was at lost because of taeyeon.

they have been longing this for a very long time. Sunny then stop fighting back she response and allow taeyeon to go more deeply and further.

Taeyeon, she did not care anymore. All of her worries and responsibilities are set aside. Her priority now was sunny. No more, no less. Taeyeon pushed sunny down slowly and laid her to the bed.

Gasping for air taeyeon stops. Sunny was worried since this happened before, taeyeon stopped at that time and did not continue taeyeon look at sunny she sense fear in sunny’s orbs. But this time was different, taeyeon was bolder now, she did not care anymore, after gasping some air. She continues what she had left a long time before, wanting and eager but gentle at the same time.

As they don’t care anymore they did not realize how much noise can be heard from there room.


Yuri pov

I am tired.. so I took a nap.

I was dreaming she’s mad at me. I am there standing just staring at the floor. ”how could you!” she said, She slap me. I am about to pull her, but before it happens I was awoke by a voice. A voice that I miss so much.

“yuuuuul~” she called me…so gentle I open my eyes and saw a beautiful bliss.

She’s so close I sat up and look at her

“am I still dreaming?” I asked her.

“yes you’re in heaven my dear, I am an angel who bought an ice cream for you.” Sica said.

“I thought I am in dreamland and a fairy was here in front of me,” I said and smile, she’s blushing.

“someone wake me up.” I said aloud.

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