We'll stay gold forever. [Oli Sykes FF]

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HELLO FOLKS! YES, YES I KNOW! A NEW STORY woop woop! Don't worry, I won't stop writing Help Me Find A Way To Breathe and another good news is: I think I'll continue with There's nothing left to save. as well c: It's a big big promise so feel free to remind me to "fucking update already" okay? I think I'll update two chapters a week, each week a different story. I'm really sorry it's so few, it's the minimum. If I have the time to write more, I will okay? I'm just really busy and don't have much free time anymore... However, please enjoy the story. Tell me what you think about it alright? xxo

Short chapter for a "prologue" thingy. The song for this one is All I Want - A Day To Remember the piano version. Picture on the side is the girl Lilith :3

This chapter is dedicated to 1D_loves_your_face for sending me those incredibly lovely messages that almost made me cry. They brightened up my days so much and I've been through a hard time lately, so thank you <3 I hope you also like this story c:

I took a deep breath, shutting my eyes closed. I squeezed them tight just for a second before I let my long eyelashes gently lie on my cheeks. I've waited my whole life for this chance, I must not under any circumstances fail. I have to concentrate.

"Now, Lilith. I'll play the music. You keep your eyes closed and try to dance through the song. Pretend as if nothing around you was watching you. You are the only one in the room. Nobody but the music is there", I heard my teacher say. I heard her proud smile in her voice and it gave me strength. After another few seconds the first notes were played on the piano. I started counting.

Five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three four...

Just as Mrs. Bosworth's fingers were flying over the ivory keys my feet were flying across the room. I did as I was told, shutting everything but the music out of my mind. The only thing that existed were my feet and the sound of the familiar music.

Yet I did my best, even though I pretended no one was watching. I always did my best when I danced. It wasn't just moving a body to music, it was moving my heart and soul. Ballet is what kept me alive. When the music played, I knew I could escape all my problems. It helped me express my feelings, it helped me forgetting all the bad things out there. It created the illusion of me being the only person on the world for the few minutes I spinned and jumped around. Silly, right? But dancing meant the world to me.

I gave up so much to come this far, I shared blood, sweat and tears, years of hard working. But it was worth it. Tomorrow would be the day that would decide everything for me. The day I've been waiting for my whole life.

The music stopped playing and I muted my movements. Still keeping my eyes shut, I heard Mrs Bosworth clapping her hands. "That was amazing!", she said and I opened my eyes, flashing her a smile.

"Do you think so?", I grinned and she nodded as she walked up to me.

The old woman pulled me into a hug and patted my back. "If you dance like this tomorrow, you'll have great chances of winning, I'm sure of it", she smiled at me.

"It's all thanks to you, Mrs Bosworth", I muttered. "Thank you for teaching me", I smiled and she chuckled.

"I know what it means to have the dream of becoming a great ballerina, Lilith. It's hard work and most girls can't make it and give up. But you don't, nothing stops you. So if anyone deserves to go to Paris, it's you", Mrs Bosworth sighed, stroking my cheek.

This woman was more of a mum to me than my blood related beast of a mother could ever be. She cared about me so much and she saw me as something important. My real mother didn't give a second shit about me. All she cared about was money. Ever since father died because he had cancer, my mother changed completely. The once loving and caring woman turned into a frustrated and coldhearted stranger.

"I think we're done for today. Make sure not to come too late tomorrow or else you'll miss the train", Mrs Bosworth grinned which caused me to laugh.

"How could I come to late to the most important day in my life?", I shook my head.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Lilith. Goodbye", she nodded and left the practise room. I took off my pointe shoes and grabbed my bag before leaving the room too. Since I was way too lazy to change my clothes, I just took my jeans and wore them over my leggings. Same with my shirt and hoodie. When I was done, I left the building and went home.

Without even bothering to say hello or look after my mother, I kicked off my shoes and went upstairs to my room. Allowing my tired body to fall on the bed, I stared at the ceiling and went through my choreography in my mind again before eventually drifting off to sleep.

We'll stay gold forever. [Oli Sykes FF]Where stories live. Discover now