11th Capital

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Soon, she encounters a dolphin pod.

Hello! She says to them in dolphin, the language already mastered.

The dolphin keep their distance.

Who are you? the leader replies.

My name is Laya. Pleased to meet you.

Laya? Strange name. the dolphin says.

Thank you. Laya replies.

Your welcome. Where are you traveling to? The leader asks.

The other side of his sea. She replies.

Would you like some company? the dolphin asks, earning complaints from its companions.

Really? Is that okay with your pod? she asks, blinking at them.

The rest of the pod looks her over, and deciding she isn’t a threat, tells their leader.


Great! Laya says and smiles at them.

And so they travel together for a week, and Laya learns a lot about the dolphins. Like how they came from another sea, and how they have been travelling without a destination, so they were glad that they met Laya.

On the sixth day, the leader told Laya that they would arrive at the shore the next day.

However…Laya, you must know that you cannot go onto land like that? One of the other dolphins asks Laya.

Huh? Laya said, and looked down at her body.

…She was naked.

Oh? Laya said. Since it was always dark in the tower, she never noticed that she hadn’t been wearing anything.

You will have to get some ‘clothes’ as the humans call them. A different dolphin says.

But I don’t have any money. Laya says.

We thought as much. another dolphin says, and the others making a bubbling sound that kind of sounds like a sigh.

What if I say I was swimming and someone stole my clothes? Laya offers.

Silence, then: That could work.


But there is another problem. the leader speaks up. Your looks.

Laya suddenly stops swimming. Her long hair floats behind her. She hasn’t cut it for 14 years after all. But that’s no the strange thing. The thing is that it’s white. Pure white, like snow. It sparkles in the light and Laya finds the colour beautiful.

I can cover it. Laya says, grumpy at having to hide the colour.

Your eyes are more noticeable though.

My eyes? Laya says, curious, and waits for the water around her to still. She then looks at her reflection.

Two red globes framed in white hair stare back.

Um, I don’t know, I guess I could act blind? Laya says.

It’s worth a try. another dolphin says.

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