6th Capital (Part 2)

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(Part 2)

When they reach the concert venue, Leo, Cade, and Valentino go through the door to the SOUL concert, and Sibyl and Laya go through the door to the Webb concert.

The interior of the Webb concert hall is covered in a magical web-like substance, and the room is very dark. Sibyl and Laya venture further into the room, and when the people in front of them are only a pace away, they stop. As the minutes tick by, more and more people flood the room, and soon there is no space between SIbyl and Laya, the people in front of them, and the people behind them.

As the designated time comes, a restless tension is practically tangible in the air as everyone awaits for Webb to come on stage, wherever that might be.

"This is all very exciting!" Laya says to Sibyl with a smile.

SIbyl returns the gesture. "Yeah, it really is."

Suddenly light explodes from right in front of them, and Webb appears, in a white body suit that appears to glow somewhat in the darkness of the room when the light fades out once more. The room is all at once filled with the screams and shouts of the audience as the person they came to see appears.

Webb is a teenager who looks to be about Sibyl's age. She has very dark, synthetic looking hair, and very pale skin. She has dark eyes, and as her eyes adjust to the darkness of the concert venue, the first person she sees clearly is Laya...or what Laya looks like under Sibyl's spell.

Webb is drawn to those green bright eyes, and she cannot drag her gaze from Laya.

"Hello everyone!" She shouts, to be heard over the roar of the audience. "I hope you have a good time here tonight!"

They scream louder, to which Webb chuckles and cues for her music to start playing.

The beat of the music can be felt through the floor itself, and Laya finds a grin spreading on her face when she feels the vibrations go through her bare feet and through her body. Soon Webb is dancing and singing, and the crowd is singing along as loud as they can and jumping up and down, as if to release the energy that they are being given.

In order to avoid being crushed, Laya begins to hop up and down also. Seeing this, Sibyl laughs and does the same, making sure to stick close to Laya so as to not lose her in the crowd.


Around 30 songs later, Webb's final song ends. Only a handful of times during the entire almost 2 hour concert did her gaze stray from Laya.

The crowd screams ear-shatteringly loud when Webb waves goodbye to the crowd and slinks off stage. The crowd surges forward in order to gain access to the back-rooms of the concert-hall, where Webb's private room is.

"WEBB!!!!!!!!!!!!" The screams are deafening, and the amount of movement that the crowd makes is tremendous. People are jostled, pushed and shoved, as everyone attempts to get through everyone else in order to meet Webb. The security guards at the front hold everyone back however.

Sibyl feels a chill go down her spine and looks to her side to see that Laya is gone.

"Laya!" She calls out, her voice practically drowned out by the screams of the crowd around her. She looks around her frantically for bright red hair in the crowd, and being quite tall, can thankfully see over the others in order to search for Laya. However Laya is not as tall, so finding her amongst the crowd proves to be quite difficult for Sibyl. "Laya!"

Sibyl looks back at the door from which they entered, but sees that the security guards there have not yet opened it, which leads her to infer that Laya has not left through that door. She looks around for another exit that Laya could have gone through, but the only other way out of the room would be to go through the doors that lead to Webb's private room.

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