4th Capital

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4th Capital

As soon as little Ella opens her eyes the next morning, she and Laya go downstairs to play until the other children and Laya's companions awake.

For some strange reason, Ella enjoys Laya's hands very much, and just touching them keeps her plenty happy. They find some scrap paper and some colouring tools for children and Laya traces her hands on the paper and then traces Ella's hands inside her traced hand. She then writes 'Laya and Ella' on the paper.

When they finish, Ella squeals with delight and gushes over the drawing for a while. Then she carefully places the drawing to the side and crawls on top of Laya, who was lying on her back watching Ella admire the hand drawing.

When Ella climbs on top of Laya, Laya smiles and 'tickles' Ella, who squeals so loud Laya cannot stop the laugh from escaping her lips. Ella pokes herself in the place where Laya had just touches her, no doubt confused as to why it felt so funny and made her laugh. Laya tickles her again, and before a few moments have passed, Ella is rolling on the floor, laughing so hard she is crying.

This is the situation the others see when they come down to see what all the commotion is about.

Laya stops tickling Ella so that Ella can catch her breath. The others all wonder over closer to Laya and Ella, especially Felice, who kneels next to Ella as first with worry but then with happiness when she sees how happy Ella herself is.

"How did you make her laugh so much?" Marco asks Laya, as the others excitedly await an answer.

"This?" Laya asks, and tickles Marco and then the other children, who are soon out of breath from laughing so much.

While the children are recovering, Laya whispers her knowledge of how to tickle the children to Felice, who smiles evilly at her children and chases them around trying to tickle them.

After a while, Felice stops her attack on her children and turns to Laya's companions. "Now time for some breakfast!"

Once everyone is full, they hear a commotion coming from the outside on the streets and from their neighbours. They exit the house and see that everyone is holding some kind of expensive household object, and Cade exchanges a knowing glance with Laya, that Felice's family misses, but Laya's other companions do not.

It is time Laya and her companions move on to the next Capital.

Ella however, throws a tantrum when her eldest sister tries to explain to her that Laya is leaving. Felice attempts to calm her youngest child, but Ella just continues to cry and scream.

Laya picks up the little girl and takes a seat on the ground, putting her hand palm-to-palm with Ella's. The little girl immediately calms down as soon as Laya touches her. Then she smiles when Laya put her hand to Ella's. While Ella is smiling, Laya whispers something into her ear and then kisses the top of her head gently.

When Laya hands Ella back to her mother, Ella does not scream or cry again, but simply picks up the drawing that Laya made her and waves sadly as they walk away.

None of them speak as they make their way to the Capital gates. Laya herself is not sad, but all of her companions are saddened by the view of Laya saying goodbye to that little girl and kissing her head.

They pass through the gates easily, but the burn that hits Laya makes her want to fall down.

Shh....it will pass. Ayal sooths, his voice even more masculine than before.

Why does it hurt? Laya asks.

...It is preparing you for what has to come. Ayal says softly, but does not elaborate further.

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