Leon "Leo"

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The red wolf growls down at the girl, but finds that the girl is not cowering under him in fear like he expected, but is looking into his eyes in wonder. Laya is enchanted by the beautiful green eyes of the wolf above her, green eyes framed in red fur.

The wolf stops growling and looks at the girl beneath him. Her eyes are a blood red colour that makes him feel like he cannot look away from her eyes. The wolf wonders if the girl beneath him is a witch, and if that is the reason that he cannot look away from her eyes, but does not feel the urge to pull away from the girl under him, and continues to stare into her eyes.

Then all of a sudden his body is lifted up into the air and off the girl who was just a second ago under him. He feels himself snap out of his daze and he turns his head to see a green haired woman (a witch presumably) lifting him and the gang he was fighting with off their feet and into the air.

He lets a growl out as the woman keeps all of them in the air and goes to the side of the girl he was previously above.

“Laya, are you okay?” Sibyl asks Laya, and helps her stand.

“I am fine Sibyl, thank you.” Laya says with a smile to Sibyl, then looks up at the wolf who had landed on her.

“Can you let him down?” Laya asks Sibyl.

“Why?!” Sibyl asks in surprise. “He attacked you!”

“He was fighting with the gang over there--” Laya points at the other group of shape-shifter that are in the air, “--and came flying in my direction. It was not his intention.”

Sibyl thinks about this for a minute before she sighs and decides to obey Laya’s will. She lets the wolf down.

He lands on his feet and growls at Sibyl before he turns his head towards Laya. He then approaches her. She kneels down so they are on the same level, and gives him a smile.

For a second the wolf does not know what to do, because no one has ever smiled at him like that.

But then he makes up his mind and reaches in front of Laya. She is a short girl, so he is taller than her even though she is kneeling.

You probably do not understand what I am saying because I’m speaking wolf, but thanks for letting me go. The wolf says, and watches Laya’s face for her reaction.

Laya listened to what the wolf was saying, having changed her language, and now replies.

It was no problem. Laya tells him in wolf.

In the background, Sibyl turns to Cade. “She can speak to animals?!”

Cade shrugs, and continues to observe Laya and the wolf. “I didn’t know either.”

The wolf is shocked to say the least. How come a human can speak wolf?! He thinks, and then upon further observation of the girl before him, he does not feel that she is really a human.

How come you know how to speak wolf? He asks her, curious.

I just know how? She says, as if herself not sure how to explain it.

You are very weird person. He says with a small chuckle, which surprises him, because it has been so long since he has done something of the sort.

So my companion tells me. Laya says, referring to Cade, and giving the wolf a small smile. What is your name?

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