Chapter 4

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A\N Guys, I literally just finished, "Find Him Yet?" so check that out!

Thank you to the following people: 




You two are so awesome and great and lovely! Thank you for all the comments and support you two give to me that I don't deserve. XOXO

Parker's Residence 

Peter's Room

6:21 A.M. 

Peter got home that night. Barely. Thank the lord that Aunt May was away on a rock climbing trip, because Peter did not feel like being silent. He was also grateful that he didn't have to go to school that week because there was a fire next to his school. The smoke had filled the whole school, so yeah no students were aloud in there. He inhaled a lot of smoke that day. And saved a bunch of students that didn't even say a mother hugger thank you. 

Peter cried. 

A lot. 

There was no denying that he was somewhat broken. 

But now he knows that he's even more so. 

Avengers Tower

Avengers Main Floor

3:57 P.M. 

Pietro and Wanda wobbled back into the main living room of the Avengers. At their footsteps, everyone's attention darted to the two. Pietro was helping Wanda hobble to the couch, because if he didn't, she would just straight fall over. 


"How'd it go?" 

"Did you find out anything useful?" 

"Any names?" 

"Give me the ds!" 

"Give her some space." Pietro said, glaring at everyone. Surprised, everyone glanced at each other and backed away. 

"What happened?" Steve asked, looking at Wanda with concern. 

"W-Worst n-nightmare... E-ever..." Wanda shakily replied. Out of all the shaking, Wanda finally passed out in Pietro's arms. 

"I'll take her to her room." Natasha suggested, picking up Wanda with ease. Everyone stared at her. "What? You're boys." Everyone looked away at that, drifting their curious gazes on Pietro. 

"Did you figure out who Spider-Man is?" Tony asked, looking at Pietro deadly serious. 

"I know his first name and I saw his face." Tony brightened up at that, "Wanda said that it was the worst and most graphic nightmare ever." Steve's fave fell at that last sentence. 

"Okay, come with me, we'll figure out who it is. Give me the name and Jarvis will help you figure out who it is." Pietro nodded and walked along with Tony. 


Avengers Tower

Tony's main lab

5:21 P.M.

"That's him!" Pietro exclaimed excitedly, pointing at the screen. Tony glanced up. 

"Peter.... Parker. Age: 16. Damn, so young. Goes to Midtown High. Lives in Queens. How 'bout we go and pay him a visit?" Tony asked. 

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