Chapter 25

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Wow, uh... 

2/3 of you are about the same age as I. 

the other 1/3 is indeed OLDER than me. 

So.,..uh.... that's a fact. 

SURPRISE!CHARACTER appearing in this chapter!


Stark Tower 

Medical Wing

7:21 A.M. <Next Day>

Peter gritted his teeth. He moved his body, trying to wiggle free of both the restraints and the pain. His cheek echoed in pain, along with his gut and calf. His hands were handcuffed to a steel bed. The bed was angled at about a 50 degree angle, therefore Peter could see out, and into the lab. 

He realized that there was glass secluding him from the outside world. 

What the hell was that? 

Soon enough, the hissing voice snarled into his ear. If Venom could see him, he would just shrug. 

"Uh... That was the first time that you've ever fought them. Perhaps you were rusty-," 

I make you better than before! You were nothing before me! Venom screeched.

"I-," Peter couldn't respond, because one, he didn't have an answer, and two there was sound of people talking about 15 feet away. Peter saw that Venom decided to play the "I'm-still-totally-asleep" game. 

Wade and Bruce bought it, considering that they took one glance at him before continuing with their heated conversation. 

"Bruce-Bruce you're not listening to me!" Wade whined, stomping his feet the way a toddler would when not given something that she demanded. 

Bruce, with a raised brow, looked at Wade's gesture with glare. He sighed, frustrated. 

"Obviously I won't listen to a grown man acting like a pansy," Bruce retaliated. Wade just crossed his arms and pouted. 

It was only when Bruce started to work on something completely different did Wade crack. Sighing, Wade said:

"Well just take this information: Whatever has Peter trapped is sensitive to loud and annoying noises." 

Before walking off. 

Bruce didn't respond, but just sighing loudly. Defeated, he stole a glance at Peter's direction. 

Biting his lip, he looked at Peter's status. 

"-Still attached. Conscious. Body in stable condition-"

Eyes widening, Bruce whipped his head around to be met with the black-flashing eyes of Venom. 

Peter hissed in greeting, a sinister smile displayed on his lips. 

Panicking, Bruce backed out of the Medical Wing, yelling, "Tony!" whist running down the hallway. 

Pussy Cat. Who'd thought the Hulk is a weakling who's afraid of his Friendly Neighborhood Murderer? 

"Stop talking like that about Dr. Banner," Peter hissed in return. "He is not a weakling." 


"-Logan!" Tony hissed, pointing accusingly at a half-working Avenger. The very hairy man grabbed a beer out of the fridge and shrugged.

"'M still an Avenger, Tony. You said yourself that I can come and go as I please," his voice was scratchy and rough. The beer opened with a fizz. 

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