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Harry sat on his bed texting his friend Niall.

From Niall😋💗
'so.. you want your sisters boyfriend to fuck you?...'

To Niall😋💗
'you make it sound like it's a bad thing'

From Niall😋💗
'tf Harry it is a bad thing thing your sister would murder you'

To Niall😋💗
'well she won't know trust me I can keep a secret 😉'

From Niall😋💗
'You're crazy Harry. I'm telling you it's a bad idea.'

From Niall😋💗
'wait how do you even know Louis likes you back?'

To Niall😋💗
'idk but like he touched my thigh and when he knew I was turned on he kept touching it'

From Niall😋💗
'ew Harry tmi but anyway, good luck and cya later'

Harry switched his phone off and rolled off his bed onto his floor. While falling his elbow hit his lamp and it fell to the floor making a loud thump.

"Harry you okay?" Louis' soft tone spoke outside Harry's door. "Yeah I'm fine hey Louis come in for a second"

Harry smirked and decided his seduction plan for Louis would start now. Louis walked inside the boys room to see Harry sitting on the edge of his bed chin in his hands. Harry motioned Louis to come forward and sit.

"Wait here I bought a few things that I want to show you"

Harry walked into his bathroom after grabbing his new bags of clothes. Louis impatiently sat on the boys bed biting his lip because he knew Harry. That the only thing the minx would come out wearing was short skirts. He was surprised to see Harry walk out in a see through front exposing his chest. Along with that shirt was a black skirt that was so high when he walked he saw the boys pink lace panties.

Harry did a twirl and he almost choked

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Harry did a twirl and he almost choked. When Harry twirled the skirt went full up and caused his cute bum to be on show. His pink lace panties had a black bow on the top and Louis wanted the bed to suck him in.

"Sooo what do ya think Lou, I wanna wear this to my friends" Harry giggled and Louis could feel his pants get tighter. His feeling of arousal suddenly turned into anger.

"I do not want you wearing that around your friend. Change" Louis ordered.

Harry bit his lip and found Louis getting jealous hot. "I have nothing else to wear da-Louis" Even though this was a complete lie and Harry had a whole closet full of clothes, he would still wear this to Niall's house.

"No Harry"

Louis' eyes were dark and were fixated on Harry's thighs right before his skirt ended. 

"Please Louis"


"Please daddy"

Louis' eyes grew darker then impossible and he walked out of Harry's room. Harry furrowed his brows in confusion but was even more confused with the Adidas jacket held in Louis hand when he walked back in.

"Take this and tie it around your waist, no buts you're wearing this and I don't want you taking it off" Louis threatened and Harry gulped.

"Uh okay Lou" Louis' stern look faded and looked at Harry in fond as he saw his jacket tied around Harry's waist, Harry's bum no longer in show.

"So who's this friend of yours?"

"His name is Niall we go to the same school" Harry explained to Louis.

"I see" Louis nodded and stuffed his hands in his back pockets and stared Harry up and down before humming and walking out of the room. He closed the door behind him and Harry sat down on his bed sighing.

Maybe this plan would be harder than he thought.



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