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Okay why does this story have 2k likes omg wtf. Thank you so much 💖

Oh and smut again...🙄😂💖

The only way for Harry to ever be remotely happy again is to break things off with the jerk Adam and live with Louis, while having hundreds of babies. Okay maybe not hundreds, four maybe? Harry loved the idea of kids. He always dreamed about having a few kids with Louis and bringing them to parks while he sits and watch Louis teach the boys football. (soccer lol)
Harry had a never ending cycle of problems. It seemed that every day was a new problem. Louis changed that. Louis was the man that made Harry see the beauty in life.

Though the reality of the moment was to ditch the dumb ass Adam and run into Louis arms, or dick...or both.

"Hey baby." Harry's thoughts were interrupted by Louis coming in the door with a phone to his ear. The young boy smiled and hoped that's what he would hear and see everyday. Unfortunately it's not.

"Hey Lou-Lou, I missed you." Harry said, looking up at Louis through bright green eyes meeting ocean blue eyes.

"I also missed you.. you watching anything? Can I join?" Louis asked with a grin obviously knowing Harry would allow Louis to watch Netflix with him. Netflix and chill. (🌚)

Harry nodded his head and flicked through the movies deciding on The Fault In Our Stars.


The movie was long forgotten as Louis' fingers tugged through Harry's curls eliciting a soft moan. Their lips moved roughly against each other's, teeth almost clashing. Harry's lips were one of his best features Louis would say. Louis' body was on top of Harry's, making them closer and the body heat making them sweat. Louis was so incredibly turned him that if Harry even moved his thigh he'd probably cum all over himself.

Louis moved further down Harry's body, removing their lips and attaching his own to Harry's neck. He sucked harshly, making Harry whine out and buck his hips against Louis' toned stomach. Louis finished and admired his work of the deep purple contrasting against the pale white of Harry's skin.

Harry was squirming around under Louis as the older man stared with dark lustful eyes toward the younger boy moaning underneath him. It was a breath taking moment for Louis.

Louis moved back up and roughly moved his hips against Harry's, crotches touching.

"Faster Lou..p-please." Harry's words were breathy and he couldn't even believe he got his words out he was so turned on.

Louis picked up the pace and moved even faster. Both boys reaching their high at the same time.

"Well then." Harry said and smiled up at Louis after they caught their breath. They both smile and hold each others hands, wishing for it to be like that forever.


Sorry for the short chapter, hope you liked it :))))💖💖💖

Oh and once again thanks for the 2k likes I still can't believe it.


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