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Do you guys like this story? Should I keep going??

Gemma was in the kitchen after waking up to find Harry sick with a high fever. She was making Harry's favourite soup.  She pulled out her phone and just remembered she had to leave to a co-workers hotel and have a meeting. She dialled Louis' cell phone.

"Hey Louis sorry to bother you but Harry is sick and I was wondering if you're able to come over and watch him, I'm sooo sorry but I have to visit a co-worker of mine and I can't just leave Harry alone" Gemma stressed, obviously hurrying to leave and not wanting to leave Harry alone. Louis smiled at this knowing that Gemma truly cared about her brother.

"Don't worry Gemma I'll be there soon just finishing up work, I'll be home around thirty minutes I'm sure Harry will be fine till I get there"

"Wow a lifesaver and a good boyfriend, I love you Louis"

Louis cringed and tried not to gag too loud and tell her he wanted to fuck her brother. "Uh yeah you too sorry got to go" Louis ended the call before she even got to say bye. He felt guilty for lying about loving her, and in that matter lying about even liking her.


Louis drove up the driveway and parked his car. He was about to knock but then remembered he lived there.

"Harry? You okay?" Louis yelled while walking up the stairs dumping his work bag onto the floor.

Harry didn't answer and he panicked walking in to his room only to find Harry sleeping wearing a giant panda onesie. (The pics up top)

Louis cooed as he saw Harry's bright pink nose and rose coloured cheeks, along with messy hair sprawled out onto his pillow creating a waterfall type look. He had sweater paws and Louis forgot he stood there staring and walked downwards to the kitchen and got a class of water.

Louis knew Harry would be a big problem for him, but he didn't care.



I've been so sick lately and also high school started again smh. Lol so I've been sick and I have homework, it sucks and my mom doesn't let me stay home so...

I'll try to update more and this chapter was REALLY short but I just wanted to put something up so you didn't think I was dead.

Anyway if you're in high school or anything else hope you had a good first week back. I hate my history teacher.😐


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