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Harry was sick, but that didn't stop him from wanting to suck Louis' dick. (I'm a rapper guys)

Louis was sat on the couch with a binder filled with papers writing something down. Harry was dying inside. His thighs squeezed together so hard he was pretty sure they are now stuck. It wasn't Louis working that got Harry turned on, he was wearing glasses. Louis never looked so daddy, and he always looked daddy. Although this was different. He eyebrows were furrowed and he looked angry while writing but Harry knew he was just focusing. His glasses on the tip of his nose almost looking like they're about to fall off.

"Harry would you be a darling and get me a water bottle?" Louis asked with his right hand on his chin.

Harry was so caught up in staring at Louis' glasses and the word darling that he got up a minute later with a nod to his head to get his water.

Harry returned with the water and jumped down on the couch in front of Louis bouncing up and down. He wishes he was bouncing on Louis instead. Harry shook his head at his thoughts because he could not possibly get more turned on or his black skirt from American Apparel would tent up.

Harry wanted Louis to pay attention to him but he was too busy working. Harry didn't like that.

"Lou, can we watch a movie?" Harry asked.

"I'm busy, later"

"Pretty please" Harry made puppy dog eyes even though Louis wasn't looking at him. This made Harry even more upset as he held back a scream.

Harry jumped up from the couch grabbing Louis' binder throwing it behind them, and straddling his lap. "Will you pay attention to me now daddy"

The word made Louis stomach heat up but he couldn't let the word, or the boy effect him. It was too wrong, but it felt too good.

"Is that what princess wants, for daddy to pay attention to princess"

"Yes daddy"

Both boys couldn't take the sexual tension anymore and harshly leaned in connecting their lips together. Louis moved a bit faster than Harry obviously having more experience. Their tongues fought for dominance and Louis almost laughed, as if Harry would ever dominate Louis.

Harry whimpered as Louis pushed harry's hips down into his own and held both of Harry's wrists in one hand. Harry had a huge manhandling kink and that went noticed by Louis. Louis grabbed the back of Harry's thighs and slammed his back onto the couch, Harry's curls bouncing.

Louis took a moment to stare at the green eyed boy underneath him, looking at how wrecked he looked already. Bright pink puffy lips, red cheeks and glossy eyes. He leaned down to reconnect their lips but stopped at the loud gasp at the door.




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