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A little smut. :)

Louis was so mad he could feel one vein in his neck stick out. He was going to kill Adam. Well, maybe not kill but he was going to hurt him. While Harry was sleeping he went through his phone and found Adam's address.

When he got there he had a mental debate in his head if he should break his door open or gently knock, then punch him in the face. He decided on his second option. He lightly hit his fist on the door three times and waited at least 2 minutes before the door swung open revealing a half naked sleepy Adam.

"Uh hi." Adam looked annoyed as he talked, and scratched under his chin.

Louis swung a fist to his jaw as Adam screamed and fell to the floor. He quickly climbed onto Adam's waist and punched him in the face over and over again, most likely breaking his nose.

"Don't." Punch. "Touch." Punch. "My." Punch. "Baby." Punch. "Ever." Punch. "Again." Punch.

Louis ran out after seeing Adam falling back onto the floor after trying to get up. His knuckles were bruised, and he was worried Harry would notice.

He got home and got on his knees next to where Harry's sleeping body was and brushed the soft curl off his face

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He got home and got on his knees next to where Harry's sleeping body was and brushed the soft curl off his face. His plump red lips were pushed against the pillow making him look like he was pouting and his eyelashes cascaded down his cheekbones. He was stunning. His stunning little baby.

Harry's eyes opened and he smiled softly at Louis, pushing Louis on the bed straddling his waist.

Harry's finger ran down Louis chest and stopped at the waist of his boxers before he got up telling Louis he was gonna brush his teeth.

Louis scrolled through his phone on Insta when suddenly the device was taken out of his hands and thrown onto the circular fluffy white carpet beside their bed. Harry jumped back on Louis waist, his bum on Louis clothed dick.

Harry reached down for a kiss that slowly turned into a make out session. Suddenly Harry broke the kiss and admired Louis' 'it is what it is' tattoo, tracing the text with his finger. Harry then squirmed to get comfortable unknowingly rubbing himself on the older man, making Louis hard.

"Harry." Louis moaned lowly, his head rolling backwards and coming back up to look at Harry with dark eyes.

Harry's face flushed and his cheeks were cherry red realizing what he did. He giggled and innocently smiled while almost bouncing on Louis' lap. His curls were jumping back and fourth and his hips roughly rocking down onto Louis'.

"You like that daddy?" Harry giggled once again letting out little whimpers. Louis groaned and nodded his head, letting Harry have full control over his body.

He could easily grab Harry and push his face into the bed and pound into him, making the smaller boy scream, but he wouldn't. He was too lost in Harry's hips rocking back and fourth.

Louis' stomach tightened and his trousers became wet.

"Daddy daddy daddy o-oh." Harry came a few seconds after Louis and fell onto Louis' chest. His curls tickled Louis' neck and he giggled which made Louis grin in fondness.

"So good for me." Louis whispered to which Harry smiled.


So I kinda wrote smut.

It sucked sorry, I never really wrote smut before.


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