Chapter 10: The Artists

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Y/n sat cross legged in the midst of the swirling papers of the Multiverse. Her eyes scanned the millions of pages, monitoring the universes. Ink had really wanted to get to work trying to find Error after the celebration yesterday. He was currently checking Error's most visited universes, Underswap and Outertale, for the glitch. Y/n had been given the task of monitoring the universes until Ink came back.

She hadn't realized this when she first came to the Multiverse but, the drawings moved. They changed and shifted, showing images that were unique to that universe. Underswap shifted from an image of Blueberry to Papyrus to Asgore dressed as Toriel. Y/n giggled at the image, remembering her Asgore's kindness. It was hard to believe Ink may had watched her universe exactly like this.

A shriek pulled Y/n from her observation. She peered between the pages, gazing out into the void. It shrieked again, louder and more desperate. She stood and exited the Multiverse. Nothing could enter this place except Ink and herself. The screaming couldn't be from Ink, what was in the void with her? Y/n scanned the splattered landscape, her soul throbbed painfully.

Placing a hand over her chest, she spotted a hunched over gray figure. Y/n wrapped her hands around her brush's handle, approaching the figure cautiously. Upon getting closer, she noticed a white fog like creature enveloped them. They seemed to be in pain as the creature hissed at Y/n. She drew back, gasping she threw black paint at the hostile creature, careful to avoid the gray figure.

The paint dragged the fog creature off of them. As the paint hit the ground the creature vanished. Y/n advanced towards the gray figure.

"A-are you okay?" They picked themselves up from the ground, lifting their head sharply as she spoke. Y/n yelped stepping back, they had a human form but they had no face. No eyes, no mouth. But they could see and speak just fine.

"Y-you can see me?" Their voice sounded almost computerized. "How is that possible? Even Ink can't see us! W-wait... You're Y/n!" They slowly approached her, Y/n stepped backwards.

"Who are you?" Fear dripped into her voice, the gray form retreated. They paused, regarding Y/n in silence.

"I can't tell you my name, due to reasons. But, Ink calls us the Artists or Creators. We created the Multiverse."

"We?" Y/n questioned, looking around. She blinked and suddenly she was surrounded by gray bodies. They made no threaten moves but there were so many and they were all staring at Y/n. Her first instinct was to freak out. The Creator she saved threw their hands up.

"Wait, wait! Don't be scared, we can't hurt you! We just really want to help!" The others around Y/n joined in agreement, drawing away from her to give her some space. "Yes we can't hurt you!" "We want to help you against Error!" "We can help you fight!" Y/n calmed as she heard the positivity in their voices, they weren't enemies.

"Y/n, where are you?" Ink's voice echoed around the void. In one blink, all the Creators were gone. Y/n glanced around nervously, making steps towards Ink's voice.

"Over here Ink!" She called out when she saw the skeleton. He smiled as she approached. When she got close Ink pulled her into a hug.

"Is everything alright here? Something told me everything wasn't okay here."

"I took care of it. There was this fog creature attacking... attacking a Creator?" Her eyes met Ink's. He blinked once, processing what she said.

"You saw a Creator!?" Ink asked, amazed. "I've only been able to hear them from time to time. What do they look like?"

"Well, they have a form like a human, but they have no face and they're completely gray."

"Interesting, I've never seen a Creator. They keep the Multiverse alive you know, you and me as well." Ink let her go and placed a kiss on her cheek. She giggled, pushing him playfully.

"Did you find him?" Y/n asked quietly, causing Ink's expression to turn serious.

"No, I think he's hiding in his void, preparing a plan perhaps." Neither of them knew what Error was planning. And it scared them.

Word Count: 702

Author's Note: I feel like I should clear some things up. According to Comyet's blog, Ink fights physical forms of artblock represented as the fog creature that was encountered. The Creators will be important later on. Hope you enjoyed, the next chapters are gonna be fun! =)

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