Chapter 14: Dreams

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A spark of life filled her soul.

"It worked, guys! It worked!" Gasps and coughs came from her mouth as she sat up. Her soul ached painfully. Y/n squeezed her eyes tight as her lungs filled with air. "Y/n! Y/n breath!" A dozen hands pulled her from the ground. The Creators surrounded her, steadying her from all sides. "What do you remember Y/n?" Her eyes were greeted with a dozen of eyeless faces.

"I remem- wait.. Where's Ink?!" She retched herself from their grasp, spinning around for her skeleton. Was he safe? And Blueberry, where was Error? Hands kept her from falling over herself.

"Everyone's fine. You've been dead for a few days though." A voice said among many that were trying to comfort her. "We revived you. Take a second to breath please." She stopped struggling, breathing as instructed. With every breath her soul ached a little.

"I need to see him. I can't let him think I'm dead." A puddle of black paint stood in front of her. She tapped her foot lightly against the edge.

"He's in Omega..."


She stepped lightly, flowers swishing around her feet. His back was to her, his tan scarf waving in the slight breeze. She brought her hands to her mouth, tears streamed down her face. Her heart thumped, scared this might be a dream.

"I-Inky..." She stated, he tensed up. He recognized her voice, she knew it. But did he believe it was real, probably not.

"No way... No.. way. Y/n?" He turned slowly, afraid he was hearing things. Teary gazes met, neither could believe it. Ink took hesitant steps towards her, she fell into his arms. He held her close. "Oh my goodness Y/n." He spoke between sobs. "This has to be a dream. T-there's no way."

"It's me Ink. It's really me."

Word Count: 304

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