|Year 4| {17}

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Samantha walked back to the Slytherin common room when suddenly, someone grabbed her by the shoulder and forcefully turned her around. 

"You. What is your deal, Snape? I will find out so you might as well tell me now!", Melissa spat. Her black hair didn't look as beautiful as usual, and the girl had sleeping bags under her eyes. 

"Merlin, don't take this the wrong way, but you look horrible", Samantha said, her voice ice cold. She hated this girl, who was so keen on finding out her secret that she followed her around everywhere and even missed out on classes and lost some of her friends. To most of the school, she was claimed to have gone insane. 

"I saw the snitch next to you and then it was gone and you stayed under water for half an hour! You know flying techniques that even I never learned. You change your hair like every week! There is something wrong with you!", Melissa whispered, tightening the grip around Samantha's robe. Samantha, who currently wore her hair in a pastel purple chuckled at the desperate words of her enemy. 

"Would you be so kind as to let go of me? I must say, dear Lissy - can I call you Lissy?- you are going nuts."

"Don't EVER call me Lissy!" Melissa came closer to Samantha and their noses almost touched. 

"Uh, do I get a kiss now, Lissy?"

"Get off my sister, you witch!", Severus voice echoed through the corridor as he walked towards the girls. With his robes flying after him, he almost looked like an oversized bat. 

"Hey, I am a witch too, Sev!"

"I am not afraid of you", Melissa said, turning around after letting go of Samantha. "Come at me. Are you going to call me a mudblood like you did to your dear best friend Lily? Or should I say EX- best friend? So sad it didn't work out. I hear you even had a thing - "

Melissa was cut off in the middle of her sentence by a fist from Severus Snape. The boy who always avoided physical conflict and rather brewed his potions or quietly invented new spells now hit a girl in the face, causing a very unpleasant noise from Melissa's nose and blood squirting out of it. 

"SEV!", Samantha shouted, throwing her hands over her mouth. 

Melissa groaned with pain and held her nose, blood running through her fingers. Severus just stood there, with his fist in the air and shocked at himself for what he had done.

 "She talked about Lily and I - I didn't know- ", he stuttered. Samantha was the only one who was able to quickly think about a solution to this situation. Hitting a girl was the not just going to get her brother into detention and much trouble, but would also get him the worst reputation in school. So she hunkered down to Melissa and pointed her wand at her. 

"I'm sorry, but this is the only way. Obliviate." A silver shimmer appeared from her wand and Melissa instantly looked confused. 

"What happened? OUCH! Why is my nose hurting? What do you have to do with this?"

"Oh, sorry. I forgot to fix that. Episkey." A crack let Samantha know that her spell had worked. With another wipe of her wand she got rid of all the blood and another forgetting spell made Severus actions undone. 

"Let's get out of here before you hit her again", Samantha whispered to her brother, pulling him away from the Gryffindor. 

"What happened, Snape? What happened here?", Melissa shouted after them, but Samantha just ignored her and kept walking with her brothers bloody hand hidden under his robe.  

"You are pretty good at that, fixing people up. I don't know what I would have done without you. I just got so angry at her for saying all of this about Lily, I just want her back."

"I get what you are feeling, Sev. But you really hurt Lily. She always thought that maybe she could change you for the better, but this was the last straw", Samantha explained to her brother, who looked sadder with every word. 

"I never meant to hurt her-"

"And both Lily and I know that. But you are with the Death Eaters now. And she is a Gryffindor. How did you think this would work out?"

"I don't know. But I have to fight for our friendship!", Severus insisted and Samantha one that she wouldn't be able to change his mind, he would just have to find out the hard way and hear it form her. 


"So tonight is another full moon. Should I go with you again?", Samantha asked Remus after their transfiguration class, when they walked to the library together. 

"Actually, I don't need you anymore", Remus said with a smile on his face. For some reason, this felt like a little stab in Samantha's heart. She enjoyed their nights out and their friendship overall. 

"What? Why? Just because my brother said something stupid? It's not my fault! I thought we were not picking sides?"

"No, no! It's not that! I really appreciate your help, but Sirius, James and Peter actually turned into their animals some weeks ago and now they obviously want to join me. I mean you are welcome to go as well but I thought you'd want to keep it secret from Sirius..", Remus explained and Samantha instantly felt better. To know that Remus guarded her secret so well meant a lot to her. 

"You are - as always- right. Thanks for sticking with me by the way. I know that Sky and Reg like all that Voldemort crap, but I am still me and I will never ever become a Death Eater."

"Then why are you still friends with them?", Remus sincerely asked. 

"Why are you still friends with three weirdo's who like bullying my brother?"

"Touché.  I guess I can't judge Skylar or Regulus just by what I've heard about them. If you are friends with them, they must be good people", Remus admitted, making Samantha actually doubting her friends. Were they really good people? Sky was obsessed with being a Death Eater from what her brother told her and Regulus took the whole pureblood thing very seriously.

"Yeah, they must be", Samantha answered, but for the rest of their conversation she wasn't really paying attention. 

"Why are you   always studying with her?", a voice disturbed her thoughts. Sirius Black had joined them, putting his hand on Remus' shoulder and snarkily eying Samantha. 

"Maybe because I am smarter than you?", the girl countered, making Remus chuckle. 

"Well I am better looking than you", Sirius said, crossing his arms over his chest. Samantha laughed: "Oh no, I am so hurt. And I can always get a nose job and look better while you are stuck with your tiny brain."

"Well I don't think a nose job is going to do it for you. Try bigger boobs."

"Sirius! She is fifteen. And you are a pervert", Remus interfered before Samantha could defend herself. 

"I might be one, but I do get all the girls. And the things I was doing at fifteen... You truly are an innocent girl, Manthy. Unlike your brother who calls nice girls really bad names.  "

"I will kill you!", Samantha threatened, while she tried not to turn into a wolf and just attacking him right here. She didn't know why, but this boy managed to make her almost loose her temper every time she saw him. 

"Oh, do I see a death eater somewhere in there? Going around killing people for fun- "

"That's enough, Padfoot!" Remus got up and stood in front of Sirius, but he could have sworn that he saw Samanta's eye turn yellow for a second as well as her hair a little red. 

"Fine. I'll leave you lovebirds alone", Sirius said and turned around to walk back to his spot. 

Remus sat back down, smirking to himself. 

"What is so funny, Wolfie?", Samantha asked. 

"If I didn't know any better, I would say that the sparks were flying." He chuckled. 

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